Ring A: 15/18: Calénnawn

René Uittenbogaard
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[ Calénnawn | Smooth English | From Nesheti | Grammar | Vocabulary | Abbrevs. ]

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Gol dull úluboy, pòðawd-vinúyfa še úyfa se póðiwd uráronur glis. Tésvo o glus orše móvralt, beše háqa anc qúna-umper pe-dwaf on ívolar gowvupé so cétiwm. Sófa ley héxiwduv itúcca orše noraygódavrar. O pòðawd-vinúyfa orše ddámvovra se xomp. Calássoše nopanaléya!2 O pòðawd-vinúyfa beše noraygódar so ðelc, nóri še púvuz tof, be còwlo-xepúno s-bru patúfi. Faše lúxci fh féspi úlu sum o qáncabaduv calásso. Ley fa orše gowsupévra so glus, beše panaléyas se rime. Sófa o fubúttbov calásso ólayplaše bibúlmevra fénco!2 Úbbon ozayše stábaday sno o pòðawd-vinúyfa orše xázevrann s-hísil, úrne byu púvuz-vésti tof. Cas mìstaš-lènta-vésti pra num h calásso uráronur hísil. Ólmo o pòðawd-vinúyfa orše lòyma-xabástavra uráronur o glus. Sófa níwtvo awn-umper, nus ifúrtigla novúlmiš fh calàsso-folhéxiw.

Smooth Translation

Sometime during a morning, a messenger brought messages using wagons. First, the wagon stopped, and waited a short time near the road that leads to the market. But then, a howling animal was bothered. The messenger grabbed a stick. A panther was seen! The messenger, bothered by the danger, avoided him, and he attempted to win its trust. He gave a little food to the playing panther. Next, seeing an opportunity, he went to the wagon. But the cursed panther was not yet satisfied! It began raining, and the messenger grabbed branches, so that he might avoid it. One can best protect oneself against panthers using branches. Finally the messenger has gone home with the wagon. But another day, other people will be distressed by the panther-howling.

Translation from Nesheti

Sometime during a morning, a postman brought messages using wagons. The first wagon stopped, and waited during a short time near the road that leads to the marketplace. But then, a howling animal was bothered. The postman grabbed a stick. A panther was seen! The postman, bothered by the danger, avoided him, and he attempted to win its trust. He gave the playing panther a little food. Next, seeing an opportunity, he went to the wagon. But the cursed panther was not satisfied! It began raining, and the postman grabbed branches, in order to avoid it. You can best protect yourself against panthers using branches. The postman has gone home with the last wagon. But another day, other men will be distressed by the howling of a panther.


 (1) Calénnawn is a pro-drop language, usually with SVO word order.

 (2) $ is an alternative spelling for s-caron (i.e. s-hachek) for
     non-UTF-8 environments. These represent the same letter (/S/).

 (3) Acute and grave accents denote primary and (in compounds)
     secondary stress, respectively. Vowels with acute or grave
     accents are not fundamentally different from the plain vowels,
     since the stress can shift when words are combined into
     compound words.

 (4) Absence of an article in the nominative indicates indefiniteness.

 (5) There is no copula "to be": a noun or adjective may be used
     as predicate directly, which implies the copula "to be".

 (6) "Dangling" prepositions must be interpreted as adverbs.

 (7) Adjectives precede the nouns, but can also occur standalone
     (e.g. the big [one]).
     Cardinal numerals follow the nouns they belong to,
     ordinals precede them.

 (8) In compound words, the first part is the modifying part:
     a predicate A-B is a B of type A.
     Auxiliaries are used in this way too, with part B being the
     auxiliary.  The object of the verb may be used directly as
     the object of the verb-auxiliary compound.

 (9) The plural forms of nouns are formed by replacing the vowel
     in the last syllable with |i|:

     glus       cart
     glis       carts

(10) There are two cases (in this text): nominative and accusative.
     The noun case is marked on the article.

(11) All prepositions govern the nominative.

(12) Verbs are marked for aspect. Progressive aspect is marked with
     the suffix -s. The perfective and cessitive aspect
     are formed with the suffix |-vra|, which is infixed if the verb
     ends in a consonant:

     molt       move-IMPERF
     móvralt    move-PERF

(13) Verbs have two voices: active and inverse. There are
     corresponding active and inverse participles.

     X-NOM panaléya   Y-ACC.  X sees Y
     Y-NOM nopanaléya X-ACC.  Y is seen by X

(14) Participles taking a direct object behave as prepositions
     (see also note (11)).

(15) There are many conjunctions, nearly all of which express that
     one constituent of the first sentence is identical to one of
     the constituents in the second sentence. The constituent may
     be left out from one of the sentences.

     be          (subject of 1st sent. is identical to subject of 2nd)
     [prep]-dwaf (pre-/postpositional object of 1st sent. is identical
                  to the subject of the 2nd sentence)

(16) For nearly every conjunction, there is a "closing bracket" which
     closes the second sentence and indicates that the first sentence
     continues from that point on.

(17) Punctuation: there are two types of exclamation points:
     !1 and !2.  !2 is used for emotional utterances.


anc       adj       short
awn       n         day
aygódar   v         bother, annoy so.
be        conj      and (see note (15))
bibúlme   v         have (of some physical state)
-bov      suffix    -ed (inverse participle used as adjective)
bru       pron      (possessive pronoun) his/its (animate)
byu       pron      he (deontic, animate, 3SG, nominative)
calásso   n         (a certain kind of feline predator)
cas       pron      someone
cétiwm    n         market
cówlo     v         gain, win sth.
-day      suffix    has begun, is in progress (aspect: ózay .. -day)
ddámvo    v         take sth.
dull      prep      during, at (point in time)
-duv      suffix    -ing (active participle used as adjective)
-dwaf     conj      "that" see note (15)
ðelc      n         danger
fa        pron      he (epistemic, animate, 3SG, nominative)
fh /f@/   art       the (concept/idea/mass/uncountable, accusative)
fubútt    v         curse so./sth.
fénco     n         hunger
féspi     n         food
fol-      prefix    act of .. (action, gerund)
gla       adv       (adverb or enclitic: future tense)
glus      n         wagon, cart
gol       adv       sometime
gowsupé   v         go towards
gowvupé   v         lead up to
h /@/     art       the (concept/idea/mass/uncountable, nominative)
háqa      v         wait
héxiw     v         howl
hísul     n         branch
ifúrta    n         person
itúcca    n         animal
ívolar    n         street, road
lénta     v         protect so/sth.
ley       adv       next
lóyma     adv       back
lúxci     v         give
mis       adv       good
molt      v         to move
níwtvo    numeral   some unspecified (ordinal)
no(r)-    prefix    (verb prefix: inverse voice)
nóri      conj      (closing bracket for "be" construct, see note (16))
num       prep      away from
-nur      suffix    -ing (active participle)
nus       adj       other
o(n)      art       the (nominative, definite, countable)
ólaypla   adv       not yet stopped .. (ólaypla .. -vra)
ólmo      adv       finally
or        adv       (perfective aspect (or .. -vra))
ózay      adv       has begun, is in progress (aspect: ózay .. -day)
panaléya  v         see sth.
patúfi    n         trust
pe        postp     at, near (proclitic)
póðawd    n         message
pra       pron      himself (animate, 3SG, reflexive)
púvuz     v         avoid sth/so.
qáncaba   v         play
qúna      n         period of time
ríme      n         opportunity
-s        suffix    (aspect: progressive)
s-        art       the (proclitic) (accusative, definite, countable)
se(n)     art       a (accusative, indefinite, countable)
sno       conj      and
so        art       the (accusative, definite, countable)
stába     v         be (expresses weather conditions)
sum       prep      towards
sófa      conj      but
še        adv       (adverb or enclitic: past tense)
-taš      suffix    (superlative)
tésvo     adv       first
tof       pron      him (accusative, 3SG, animate)
úbbon     n         rain
úlu       numeral   a small amount (cardinal)
úluboy    n         morning
-umper    postp     during (enclitic)
uráro     v         use sth.
úrne      conj      so that (+deontic subject)
úyfa      v         bring
vésti     v         can
vi(n)-    prefix    (converts verb to noun) agent of .. (English -er)
-vra      suffix    has .. (perfective aspect (or .. -vra))
-vra      suffix    has not yet stopped .. (aspect: ólaypla .. -vra)
-vra      suffix    has stopped .. (cessitive aspect (-vra))
vúlmiš    v         distress so.
xabásta   v         go
xázenn    v         grab sth/so.
xepúno    v         try, attempt
xomp      n         stick, pole


n         noun
v         verb
art       article
adv       adverb
adj       adjective
pron      pronoun
conj      conjunction
prep      preposition
postp     postposition
3sg       3rd person singular
3pl       3rd person plural

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March 20th, 2006
Comments? Suggestions? Corrections? You can drop me a line.