Ring C: 9/11: Dethric

Eugene Oh
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[ Dethric | Smooth English | Grammar | Vocabulary ]

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Gileícas áuro theílcodhi, olánas sévilac váulum íthri thére, siph ýsis phála acreía chácqui. Siph phalínn a háuruno idhéima voleía éga lávi. Háury, lasísca ánarin háury, théras ragícquinn na cóuven. Ívas ládhum sa, grásthro phísilisthi ídhuri, thére árylai phrétho veí idheíma íthren.

Aa! Sívas auménum sa, háury glíssica coragueía náumen. Vogérenis ridhíano saussý. Grásthra dhi, rídhian énas quívinn arénis haulóras rétho phegéni hélidhe rigícco arén, híva sevilágno áuromethen, théras dháccas náphira phálagy.

Síve qui, hállen rídhian sum háury vévo chóurithi sapheía.

Aa! Háuria dhi quén siph thís grásthre, dhem grásthre ne queía.

Smooth Translation

Chasing away the pain of the winter, in the coldest month of the year the boy walked on, wanting to reach that distant place. There he used to wait to bring a cat to school. The cat, the big and orange cat, would sit on the boy's shoulder. Before this, he would skilfully balance the beast, walking into school cheerfully.

Ah! After that, the cat started attacking, scaring him. It had seen the carriage come close to it. For the beast, perhaps it was troubling for the carriage to touch the wall of the garden in front of it, but it took heed of the cold, and eventually crawled into his bag.

For that reason, whenever the carriage came the cat would hide itself and take comfort.

Ah, for the cat that day was a beast, and a beast it will be.

(It does not make sense!)


[ Dethric phonology: ]

All historic plosives have been fricativised, and are so reflected in
the orthography (historic g has been lost except before front vowels).
Where the velar plosives (k, g) appear they have been reduced from
labialised velars (kw, gw); a "g" before an "n" generally assimilates
in nasality. The voiceless alveolar fricative phoneme (s) also varies
sporadically to its voiced counterpart intervocalically, and when
occurring as the last sound in a word, plosivises (de-fricativises)
the following fricative if there is one, e.g. "anas thumen" is
pronounced "anastumen"; the palatal fricative (sh) is uncommon but
occurrent. The lateral approximant (l) is what is known as a "clear
l", The nasal stops (m, n) may assimilate regressively to each other
or the following consonant (the velar nasal is an allophone of the
alveolar nasal). The above consonants may geminate (although
gemination of "v", "g" and "dh" are rare); the following may not: the
voiceless glottal fricative phoneme (h), which occurs only
word-initially and has been lost intervocalically. The trill
approximant (r) is akin to the Italian.

Vowels have been affected by reductionism, and this change is most
apparent in the orthography, where modern monophthongs are represented
by digraphs depicting historical diphthongs, and reduced vowels are
represented by glyphs historically denoting full-quality sounds.
Stressed vowels may lengthen slightly. The unrounded low vowel varies
between central and back position; the close-mid front vowel may vary
to open-mid position; all non-high vowels potentially reduce even
further to a schwa. Vowels may exert harmonising influence on one
another, although this process has generally become significantly less
productive in recent years.

[ Dethric orthography: ]

Dethric is spelt with french consonants and generally greek vowels,
i.e. like English it cannot be pronounced as spelt. Stress is marked
in the above text, although it is not crucial to the translation
thereof, and generally unmarked in Dethrian writing.

- "ph" is the voiceless labio-dental fricative (f), always so written
- "v" is the voiced labio-dental fricative, always so written except
where devoiced finally, where it is written "ph"
- "th" is the voiceless dental fricative (_th_ as in English "thin"),
always so written
- "dh" is its voiced counterpart (_th_ as in English "this"), always so written
- "h" is the voiceless glottal fricative
- "r", "l", "m", "n" as in English

- "c" is the voiceless velar plosive (k); before front vowels it is
written "qu", and when geminate "cqu"
- "g" is the voiced velar plosive (g); before front vowels it is written "gu"
- "g" before front vowels it is the voiced palatal fricative (_zh_ as
in English "measure")

- "a" is the unrounded low central vowel (as in French)
- "e" is the unrounded close-mid front vowel (as in French "é")
- "i" is the unrounded high front vowel
- "y" is the rounded one (as in French "u")
- "o" is the schwa, the mid central vowel
- "u" is the unrounded high back vowel
- "au" is the rounded close-mid back vowel (o)
- "ou" is the rounded high back vowel (u)
- "ei" is a long high front vowel (i:)
- "ai" is a diphthong of the low central vowel (a) and the high front one (i)

[ Dethric grammar: ]

- accusative language
- SOV, with intransitive verbs VSP (P = predicate) or PV for emphasis
- no articles, postpositional

- marked for 6 cases, no distinguishing of number or gender; one
declension fits most (all in this text)
- final vowel usually elided from vowel-stem nouns
- nominative: no marker
- accusative: -o
   (predicative: -e)
- dative: -a
- genitive: -as
- locative: -inn
- temporal locative: -um

- only animates have pronouns; inanimates are referred to by repeating the noun
- not marked for gender

- placed before nouns, not marked
- comparative: -ys
- superlative: -ac
- nominalising: -agne
- adverbialising: -thi

- not inflected for tense, mood, number or person
- marked for aspect
- regular: -en
- imperfective: -i
- perfective: -y
- infinitive: -eia
- regular aspect may serve as noun, which may be adjectivised with -is

- placed before verbs, invariable


a he/she
aa ah! (interjection)
acreia to reach
anarin orange
areia to have
arylai light
aumen time after (noun)
aure pain
aurometheia to recognise
chacqueia to want
chouri comfortable
coragueia to attack
couveia to sit
dhacca bag
dhem and
dhi for
ega once, ever
en eye
gileic winter
glisseia to be scared
grasthra beast
halleia to come
haulora garden
haury cat (irregular; haury, hauruno, haure, hauria, haurias, haurinn)
helidhe maybe
hiva but
idheim school
idhureia to balance
iph this
ithreia to walk
ladhe time before (noun)
lasis big
laveia to wait
na on
ne will (future tense auxiliary adverb)
naphir place inside (noun)
naumeia to start
olan year
phalageia to crawl
phale place
phegeneia to touch
phisilis skilful
phreth heart
queia to be (copula)
quiva place in front (noun)
ragicca shoulder
reth wall
ridhian carriage
rigicca trouble
sa thing (irregular; sa, so, se, saa, saas, sinn, sum; also used as
topic marker)
sapheia to hide
sausseia to see
sevil cold
siph that
sum thing (temporal locative of "sa")
theilcodheia to chase away
there boy
this day
vaul month
veia to bear (a burden etc.)
veph body
vogereia to approach, to come close
voleia to bring
ysis far, distant

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March 20th, 2006
Comments? Suggestions? Corrections? You can drop me a line.