Ring C: 1/11: Da Mätz se Basa

Henrik Theiling
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[ Da Mätz se Basa | Smooth English | Native | Grammar | Vocabulary | Abbrevs. ]

Kharos S'Fik >>

Da Mätz se Basa

Ni Mäsude gände Wänto se Däbräs

An ein Muin äna Monat Wöpf kan ana da Drot s ano Bant fona Bos bänti s Urt da lei se Zän is sä ze.

Do fin ne däodek ofa Säol se Wäch se Jomätz siu furna Täon se Grätzong on hat ne däk on kei Kato ofa Axel. De Bäs latzirt kan se hau teitzat de Jomätz poch fir de fon sui süt ur. Dobei kuk de mir on mir panikläch de bänti s Urt ombat de weis dat de Bos tei botz mos lei ja. De do zurp de Kato nich nä höma. Ein Kir mach de ne Fot aufe Zaun ba seinläch fin de de do ze kaut on säo dräk de siu aufe da Säol se Mätz se Bäbau zük. Widat de siu gost kopfurläch hat mach säo lei de Säol se Bos.

Da Kato se Dach hat donach sicho mir ne ilgi ja.

Smooth Translation

Steps Against Winter Depression

One morning in December I could watch the following scene across the street from a bus stop:

A boy, obviously on his way to school, stood in front of a garden wall. He had an enormous red tomcat on his shoulder and this animal balanced skilfully while the boy tried hard to shake him off. With increasing panic he watched the bus stop knowing the bus would be due any second now... The cat was quite undisturbed. Once, he put a paw on the wall, but seemingly it felt too cold, so he quickly retreated to the boy's backpack. The moment when he was comfortably sitting, having tucked up his legs, the school bus arrived.

I suppose the cat spent quite an interesting day.

Native Version

This is the original original my wife wrote:

Maßnahmen gegen die Winterdepression

Eines Morgens im Dezember konnte man gegenüber der Bushaltestelle Zeuge des folgenden Schauspiels werden:

Ein Jüngling, offensichtlich auf dem Weg zur Schule, stand vor einer Gartenumzäunung, einen dicken, roten Kater auf der Schulter. Der Kater balancierte geschickt, während der Jüngling sich mühte, das Tier von seinen Schultern zu kippen. Dabei schaute er zunehmend panisch zur Bushaltestelle herüber, wohl wissend, daß der Bus jede Sekunde kommen müßte. Den Kater störte das nicht. Einmal setzte er eine Pfote auf die Mauer, fand diese offenbar zu kalt und zog sich wieder auf den Rucksack des Schülers zurück. Als er es sich gerade darauf bequem gemacht und die Pfoten untergeschlagen hatte, kam der Schulbus.

Der Kater hatte danach vermutlich noch einen interessanten Tag.

(Uta Theiling)



an prep.(+dir.,+dat.) +dat.: on, at (where?); +dir.: onto, to (whither?)
an ein Muin adv. one morning
ana prep.+art. on, at a/the (dat.sg.)
ano adj. other
aufe prep.+art. onto the (dir.sg.def.)
Axel n. shoulder
ba adv. but, only; de: aber, sondern
Bant n. side
Bos n. bus
botz adv. soon
Bäbau n. backpack
bänti n. to stop, to halt
Bäs n. animal
da art. the (dat.sg.)
pron. him, to him, her, to her, it, to it (dat.sg.)
Dach n. day
dat conj. that (complement marker)
de art. the (dir.sg.); the (dat.pl.)
pron. he, she, it (dir.sg.); them, to them (dat.pl.)
däk adj. fat; thick
do adv. there
dobei adv. at/with this/that
donach adv. after this/that
Drot n. street
dräk v. pull
Däbräs n. depression
däodek adj. obviously; clearly
ein num. one
fin v. to find
siu fin v. be located at
fir prep.(+dir.) for
conj.vp. in order to
fon prep.(+dat.) from; of
fona prep.+art. from/of a/the (dat.sg.)
Fot n. paw
furna prep.+art. in front of a (dat.sg.indef.)
gost adv. just as, just
Grätzong n. enclosure; boundary
gände prep.+art. against the (dir.sg.def)
hat v. to have
v.aux. {past tense particle}
hau adj. good
höma part. {emphatic proposition marker (speech act complement)}
ne ilgi hat vp. to be interesting
is v.aux. {passive marker}
v. to be
ja part. {emphatic positiveness marker (truth complement)}
Jomätz n. youth (both male or female)
kan v.aux. can, to be able to
Kato n. tomcat
kaut adj. cold
kei adj. red
Kir n. time(s) as in 'three times'
kopfurläch adj. comfortable
kuk v. to look, to look at
latzirt v. to balance
lei v. to come (Also used as: 'Come on!')
lei se adj. following
mach v. to make; to do; to create; {resultative marker}
mir adv. more; {also for states:} continuing, ongoing
Monat n. month
mos v.aux. must, to have to
Muin n. morning
muin pron.poss. my (1.sg. + 'se')
Mäsude n. measure, steps
Mätz n. human being,person
ne art. a (dir.sg.)
ni art. some (dir.sg.) {usually left untranslated since English has no plural indefinite article}
nich adv. not
part. negation marker (truth complement)
ofa prep.+art. on the (dat.sg.def.)
ombat conj.s.(+Vlast) because
on conj. and
panikläch adj. panickingly, in panic
poch v. to try
se part. {modification particle}
s part. {= 'se', but used before vowels}
seinläch adj. seemingly
sicho adv. surely, undoubtedly
siu pron.refl. oneself (dir.)
sui pron.refl. (to) oneself (dat.)
v. to see
sä ze v. to watch (+dat.)
säo adv. so, this way
conj. then
Säol n. school
süt v. to shake
süt ur v. to shake off
tei adv. very
teitzat conj.s.(+Vlast) when, while
Täon n. garden
ur prep.(+dir.,+dat.) +dat.: under (where?); +dir.: under (whither?)
adv. down
Urt n. place, location
weis v. to know
widat conj.s.(+Vlast) how, like, as
Wäch n. street; lane; way
Wänto n. winter
wöpf num. twelve
Zaun n. fence
ze adv. too much; too ...
zurp v. to disturb
Zän n. heaven, sky
Zän n. scene
zük adv. back
äna prep.+art. in a/the (dat.sg.)


1 1st person
2 2nd person
3 3rd person
adj. adjective
adv. adverb
art. article
dat. dative case
def definite
conj. conjunction
conj.s.(+Vlast) sentence conjunction triggering 'Vlast' word order
conj.vp. sentence conjunction for subject-less sentences
det. determiner
indef. indefinite
n. noun
dir. direct case
num. numeral
part. particle; for such a lexicon entry, see grammar
pl. plural
prep.+art. fusion of preposition and article
prep.(+dat) preposition governing dative case
prep.(+dir.) preposition governing direct case
prep.(+dir.,+dat) preposition governing both cases, usually spatial
pron. pronoun
pron.poss. possessive pronoun
pron.refl. reflexive pronoun
sg. singular
v. verb
v.aux. auxiliary verb
vp. verb phrase (i.e., verb + object)

Kharos S'Fik >>



January 30th, 2006
Comments? Suggestions? Corrections? You can drop me a line.