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Ring C: 4/11: Teonaht |
Sally Caves | ||
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To coffenrem rin tor tenuoid Keyts! li lenuoak hse froho ilid inua, send betö-liz celil romman, li pervakraikot ouarep. Il aotoisselnivar lo allönan uenes ai der hai eprimattary. Narlö meslim tohdazem-lez mohsa rannyko-jo lo masselma. Hovar le napprös ven myrlmib, ran le betö lö mespyo elwy rysa. Keyts! Cely der memdy etsa tembrar ai indeln, loppre manttes evuet li aotoisselnivar. Mitrin le napprös wemlo vevim. Il nemika pomil nampo mal le tohda fepra ma brin froho ai, send celyil lem eprymat betöid le tohda indel; hovar bom heredmib bom relivvymib. Li autoiselnivar mehuen. Keyts! tselte nycoht toil tohda rönli. |
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Driving Away Winter's Pain Observe the coldest month of the year, and a boy in the garden, the carriage stop opposite; he's waiting for the bus that will take him to school. On his shoulder a big orange tomcat sits. The animal balances itself well while the boy tries to shrug him off. Observe! anxiety creeps into him; he knows the bus will come soon; the animal may cause mischief. The cat touches his paw to the garden wall but it's too cold, and the cat creeps into the boy's school bag, hiding himself there and getting comfortable. The bus arrives. Let's see: it will be a noteworthy day for the cat. |
Grammar |
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Syntax: Teonaht is normally OSV in syntax, sometimes SOV, with few declensions, except in the pronouns. See the items below for further information on word order. Nouns: The agent in Teonaht is the subject that performs an action volitionally. The man looks at the woman. The experiencer is the subject that performs an action non-volitionally. The man sees the woman. (i.e., catches a glimpse of her) This distinction is marked in the articles, and often in the verbs. Example: Il hovik le gwenda ke(y). "The woman regards thehouse." Il hovik li gwenda keyn. "The woman sees the house" (by accident) Indefinite articles follow the noun, and are usually given a consonantal ending to avoid confusing them with subsequent nouns or verbs. Example: Il hovik gwende-lez ke(y). "A woman regards the house." The patient in Teonaht is anything that isn't the subject or experiencer (it is not an ergative language but a split-nominative); what it deems to be "indirect objects" it often marks with a preposition. Teonaht makes a distinction between definite and indefinite nouns, and has articles to distinguish them. These show distinctions between agent, experiencer, and patient. Verbs: Teonaht has a gerundive or verbal noun with three suffixes that shouldn't concern you here; basically the -rem verbs express volitionality, the -ned verbs express non-volitionality, and the -ndi verbs express the stative. But I don't think you'll run across this in this text. Teonaht is zero-copula in the present tense. It has very simple verb conjugations wherein tense particles and aspect modals are prefixed to the pronoun that precedes the verb. Where subordination is needed, Teonaht often resorts to a mirroring of syntax: Il kyam elry elepma ravvo-el li gwenda hain. The book I read loved the girl which. "I read the book that the girl loved." Modals are verbs that precede the absolute form of the verb and they are a closed class. Ryddihs euan. "I want go." Sometimes you'll see it this way: dihsry euan. Auxiliary verbs (all but modals) connect to their verb by a form of possession: Example: I want his buying meat. "I want him to buy meat." Your coming here I need. Her leaving I expect. His arriving I hope. My helping you must try. Aspect and passivity are expressed by prepositions preceding the gerundive: bom (with) and tsob (under). Example: Androfaiht li gwenda tsob htindelrem. The girl with singing is beautiful. 'The girl who's singing is beautiful," "The singing girl is beautiful." Example: Omffindris li onde tsob silinrem. Of-glass the bowl under washing. "The bowl being washed is glass." "The washed bowl is glass." Modifiers: Adjectives follow nouns and adverbs immediately precede the verb, unless this conflicts with a verbal idiom in which adverbs are involved: Example: Le gwenda mal htindel. "The girl is singing" Mal le gwenda htindel. "Now the girl sings." "The girl sings now." Pre- and postpositions: A large number of prepositions are divided into static and motive. Example: ar il etön, "at the mountain," but aryil etön, "toward the mountain." When it comes to expressing deixis, Teonaht has a complicated system of pre and post positions most often fused with the nouns they modify: tessandy-- "from city." i.e., "leaving from the city." Tessary, "towards the city," or "city-wards." These constructions involve an open class of nouns. Hence, word divisions are often different in Teonaht from what they are in English. I will give clitics and affixes separately below, preceded or followed by a hyphen. NOTA BENE: double consonants merely indicate stress in pronunciation, NOT semantic division.
Vocabulary |
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ai | pron. | Singular neuter pronoun in subject case. |
allöna + n | nt. | WAIT FOR, WAIT |
aotoisselnivar | n. | literally: AUTO-CARRIAGE |
-ary | suff. | -WARDS, indicates direction towards. |
betö | n. | BOY |
bom | prep. | Indicates progressive action in a verb |
brin | adv. | TOO, OVERLY |
cel | prep.stat. | IN |
cely | prep.mot. | IN, INTO |
coffenrem | ger. | DRIVE OUT, EXPEL, RELIEVE |
der | pron. | Singular masculine pronoun in patient case. |
evuet | adv. | SOON, AT ONCE |
elwy | adv./prep | AWAY, OFF |
eprimat(t) | n. | SCHOOL |
-es | suff. | Indicates futurity |
etsa | pron/adj. | SAME |
fepra | vt. | TOUCHES, FEELS |
froho | adj. | COLD |
-ib | suff. | Expresses medio-passive or reflexive in a verb. The old "passive." |
-id | suff. | possessive suffix. |
il | art. | definite article in patient case. |
-il | art. | definite article in patient case appended to preposition |
-ilz | art. | indefinite article in patient case. |
indel | vi. | CREEP, CRAWL, SLIDE (volitional) |
indeln | ni. | CREEP, INSINUATE (non-volitional) |
inua | n. | YEAR |
hai | pron. | Relative pronoun in subject case. |
heredmib | vi. | heredma + ib. HIDE |
hovar | adv. | THERE, AT THERE. |
hse | adv. | MOST |
keyts | interj. | LO! LET'S SEE! SEE! OBSERVE! |
-jo | suff. | postpositioned conjunction, AND |
le | art. | Definite article in agent case. |
-le | suff. | Changes an adjective into an abstract noun |
lem | n. | BAG, SATCHEL |
lenuoak | n. | MONTH |
li | art. | Definite article in experiencer case. |
-liz | art. | Indefinite article in experiencer case. |
lo | pron. | Masculine singular pronoun in subject position. |
-lo | suff.pron | Masculine singular pronoun suffixed to preposition |
lö | poss.pron | Masculine possessive pronoun |
-lö | suff.pron | Masculine possessive pronoun suffixed to preposition |
loppre | pron + vi | LO plus PRE |
ma | conj. | BUT |
mal | adv. | NOW |
mante | ni | COME |
manttes ni. | MANTE plus -ES | |
masselma | vi. | SIT, SETTLE DOWN, TAKE A SEAT |
mehuen ni. | ARRIVE | |
memdy | n. | ANXIETY, WORRY |
meslim | n. | SHOULDER |
mohsa | adj. | LARGE, BIG, GREAT |
-n | suff. | Indicates non-volitionality on a verb. |
napprös | n. | BEAST, ANIMAL |
nar | prep. | ON, UPON |
nemika | n. | GARDEN WALL |
ouarep | n. | OPPOSING, FACING, lit. "other eyes." OPPOSITE. |
pervakraikot | n | literally: PLACE FOR STOPPING |
pom | prep. | WITH. suffixes "il." |
pre | vi | KNOW |
ran | adv. | WHILE, DURING |
rannyko | adj. | ORANGE |
relivvyma | vi. | MAKE COMFORTABLE, COMFORT |
romman | n. | GARDEN |
rönli | ni/vi | LIE IN WAIT, LIE AHEAD |
rysa | vt. | ATTEMPT, TRY |
send | conj. | AND (begins a clause) |
tembrar | adv. | IN A TIME, WHILE |
tenuo | n. | WINTER |
to | prep. | FOR, ON BEHALF OF |
tor | n. | PAIN |
toil | prep + art. | FOR plus definite article in patient case. |
tohda | n. | CAT |
tohdazem | n. | TOMCAT |
tselte | n. | DAY |
ven | adv. | WELL, SKILLFULLY |
vevim | nt/vt | CAUSE, CREATE |
wem | mod. | Modal verb expressing hypotheticality. Suffixes "lo." |
uen + es | vt | TAKE (see -es) |
Abbreviations |
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adj. | adjective |
adv. | adverb |
ag. | agent |
art.def. | definite article. |
art.indef. | indefinite article |
aux. | auxiliary |
conj | conjunction |
ex. | experiencer |
fut. | futuric |
ger. | gerundive or verbal noun |
interj. | interjection |
interr. | interrogative |
mod. | modal |
mot. | motive |
n. | noun |
ni. | non-volitional intransitive verb |
nt. | non-volitional transitive verb |
pat. | patient |
poss. | possessive |
pref. | prefix |
prep. | preposition |
pret. | preterite |
pron. | pronoun |
stat. | static |
suff. | suffix |
vi. | volitional intransitive verb |
vt. | volitional transitive verb |
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