Ring A: 17/18: Θywǵø

Jonathan North Washington
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[ Θywǵø | From Toma Heylm | Grammar | Vocabulary ]

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śin śeśe rer śið kajjiǵ tśa fukθø śurwøg sænði ðiǵ śelæ θa ðajśiǵ śiri tśa ðiǵ ðajśiǵ ẃaðíǰa θunðøt. kajjiǵ tśa śurwøǵ śuǵjø ẃaðíǰa śurnø hið rag ẃaðíǰa ýiǵ ýojǵ ẃí ýesre kaẃ tśa śæð, śelíj fukθø śæð rer óó tajmij ẃaðíǰa ýusløg θa majśit. zútú ẃaðíǰa sij θa ðajśiǵ hajẃin tśa ðiǵ ðajśiǵ ẃaðíǰa θundøt, huwðø ýojǵ śið kajjiǵ śiri tśa.

mig wóŋ śí śæð śið ðefne la θa śiri tśa ðiǵ ẃaðíǰa θunðøt, huwðø ẃæðiǵ ẃí kaẃ, śelíj ẃaðíǰa mywnø θa ðajśiǵ sajtir. fútø ẃaðíǰa lyzwø θa dajẃig ẃaðíǰa huwðø śið rajzðit laj. śurwøg śið kajjiǵ tśa śywðú θa miw tśa śelíj fútø dój θa ýajjin śiri tśa huwðø śejśe! śúðøs śið kajjiǵ śihilaj ðúzwød, zútú ẃaðíǰa θunðøt, ẃaðíǰa wóŋ huwðø ẃæðiǵ ẃí kaẃ ýajjin śiri tśa. zútú ẃaðíǰa sij sænði huwðø śí herse dójdój kajfir.

śurwøǵ zóm śurnø śæð śea śí śúntú ẃí kajjiǵ laj tśa ðiǵ ðajśiǵ ẃaðíǰa θunðøt. fukθø sæð rer śí kajjiǵ śihilaj tśa ẃaðíǰa śin rer ẃí, θunðøk śela zóm θunðøt śela dój śið ðefne la θa śiśtæ huwðø ẃaðíǰa óó.

Smooth Translation


If you have this, please submit to Henrik.

Translation from Toma Heylm

The time was morning. The messenger(FEM) was bringing messages using a cart. Now the cart moved and waited briefly near the road which leads up to the marketplace. But then it bothered the animal that was howling. The messenger picked up the a branch/stick. She approached the predator-feline.

The messenger felt uneasy about the danger and was keeping away from the predator-feline, and trying to gain his trust. She gave a piece of food to the predator-feline, who was playing. She went to the cart and saw a chance. But the cursed feline predator wanted more food! Rain started and the messenger held the branch/stick, because she wanted to stay far from the feline-predator. One can best protect oneself against feline-predators using a branch/stick.

The messenger finally returned using the cart. But during the day which was coming, the howing of the feline predator would cause unease to more men and women.


General Info
&THgr,Theta;uwǵø exhibits the following characteristics:
- almost completely isolating
- number, then adjectives follow nouns
- postpositions follow noun phrases
- part of speech is often not clear
- aspect, and then tense marking follows verbs
- tense, aspect, and grammatical subject may all be dropped if the
  context provides it already (e.g., "I came, I saw, I conquered" would
  be something like "I came, see, conquer")


(1) &THgr,Theta;uwǵø has combinational postpositions.  The system
can be demonstrated something like this (examples without translation
are for illustration of how it works):

           "located at"     "moving away from"     "moving towards"
             ẃí                 śí                     śið
in           in               out of                  into
on           on               off of                  onto
at - śea     at - śea ẃí      from - śea śí           to - śea śið
now / a time - rer
             during - rer ẃí  after, since - rer śí   before, until - rer śið

near - ýojǵ  near - ýojǵ ẃí   away from - ýojǵ śí     up to - ýojǵ śið
far from - ẃæðiǵ
             far from - ẃæðiǵ ẃí   ~towards           ~away from

(2) the genetive case / compelementizer word "ẃaðíǰa" has many uses:
- attribuative: X ẃaðíǰa Y = the Y with X (X can be a phrase)
- relational: X ẃaðíǰa Y = the Y which Xes (where X is a verb phrase)
- genitive/possessive: X ẃaðíǰa Y = the X which is Y's

(3) to say "here/there", "now/then", etc, one uses the words for
"place" and "time" with what also serve as personal pronouns;
e.g. śurnø śæð (place 3rd) = "there", etc



dajẃig play
dój more
dójdój most
ðajśiǵ hold, acquire, gain; take, carry
ðefne comfort, ease; comfortable, easy
ðefne comfortable
ðiǵ word, utterance, message, that which is said
ðiklæ continuative aspect (keep)
ðúzwød rain
fukθø time (both occurrence of event and Time) (see note 3)
fútø food, drink (any item of consumable nourishment)
hajẃin raise, lift
herse good
huwðø cougar (can refer to other big cats)
kajfir protect
kajgiǵ feel; feeling
kajjiǵ go (come, arrive; move--anything involving motion)
kaẃ stop, stay
la negative
laj perfective aspect
lyzwø item; piece/part of a whole
majśit bother, annoy
mig danger, harm
miw see
mywnø belief, faith, trust
óó howl (an animal call, onomatopoetic)
rag lead
rajzðit give
rer temporal locative (see note 1)
sænði with (instrumental case)
sajtir try, attempt
sij arm, hand (and fingers)
śæð 3rd person/place/time (see note 3); it, he, she
śea located at (see note 1)
śejśe cursed, damned, evil
śelæ plural
śelíj but, however
śeśe new, young
śí moving from, from, away from, ablative case (see note 1)
śið to; towards (something like dative case)
śihilaj inceptive aspect (event comes into beginning)
śin day, sun
śiri imperfective aspect (includes habitual and continuous)
śiśtæ cause, make happen; causative
śúðøs the world (pii, earth, etc)
śuǵjø sell
śúntú end, endpoint, finishline, etc
śurnø place (see note 3)
śurwøǵ cart, wagon, sled, etc (any land vehicle)
śywðú fortune, prophecy, prediction
tajmij make, do (general light verb)
tśa past tense
θa accusative case
θunðøt woman, female
θynðøk man, male
ẃaðíǰa its; genitive case; complementiser (that, which) (see note 2)
ẃæðiǵ far from
ẃí at, locative case (see note 1)
wóŋ cause; reason
ýajjin want
ýesre briefly, shortly
ýiǵ road, path, way
ýojǵ near (see note 1)
ýusløg animal
zóm with, commitative case
zútú tree

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March 20th, 2006
Comments? Suggestions? Corrections? You can drop me a line.