Ring A: 9/18: Aingeljã

Ángel Serrano
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[ Aingeljã | Smooth English | Grammar | Vocabulary ]

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Una matina de deixemre u~ want de boixeu conduçabe pur al'autovïa, meh qwand paré-si n'u~ semàfor, aucu~ cadé super al'autovïa e super a nasa. Ou want de boixeu direixabe-si defeza ou centre da cità qwand doul'ocurré. S'hawabe u~ piceu àrul e se potabe scoutre ou mjau d'u~ cat sandaraci~. Oul'animau esabe deul, pur tant ou want de boixeu començé a donâre confidenza ad oul'animau. Lloc ou want, depüi d'hawâre-ïu donat u~ pauc de pã, e depüi d'hawâre pensat bain a sitwacjõ, ritorné a soul'automoul. Meh ou cat sandaraci~ no~ sentabe-si consolat. Ou cat rifleixabe-si nal'umra doul'àrul, meh s'hawabe mout ggel. Meh ill lontanabe-si dal'umra, intentabe defendre-si ne tot moment. Ou want ri-encendé oul'automoul e vadé a sa casa. Durant tot ou dïe ill esé content cõn ou cat e sous mjaus.

Smooth Translation

A December morning a boxing glove was driving through the highway, but when it stopped at a traffic light, something fell on the road and on its own nose. The boxing glove was going to downtown when this happened. There was a small tree and one could hear the miaows of a Sandarakin cat. The animal was weak, therefore the boxing glove began to give some familiarity to the animal. Then the glove, after having given it some bread, and after having thought well the situation, returned to its car. But the Sandarakin cat did not feel consoled. The cat could see its own reflection on the shadow of the tree, but there was a lot of ice. Although it moved away from the shadow, it tried to defend itself all the time. The glove restarted its car and went home. During all day it felt happy with the cat and its miaows.


Angelian (“Aingeljã”, XSAMPA: / ajNge"lja / in the language) is a neo-Romance language belonging to the Western branch, East-Iberian subdivision. It is therefore very next to other romance languages such as Spanish, Aragonese and Catalan, although it has important similarities with Galician-Portuguese, Occitan, French and Italian. There are some traces of Germanic influences, especially from English and German.

The basic word order in Angelian is SVO. All the verbs must agree in number with the subject they refer to.


K and Y --> Only for foreign words (integrated words in Angelian use C and J instead)

J and W are treated as semiconsonants or glides.


In Angelian there are some graphic symbols which are written over the vowels in order to give them a special meaning. They are the nasal tilde (~), the accute accent (´), the grave accent (`), the diaeresis (··) and the breve symbol (â).

These tildes have different meanings that you needn’t know. Bear in mind that they only help to pronounce correctly every word in Angelian, as they show the stressed syllable. Pay special attention for the nasal tilde (~), as it appears when an etymological ending -n has been removed in Angelian.


Nouns can be masculine or feminine, singular or plural. * As a general rule, in singular all the feminine nouns end in -a and the masculine, in any other letter. * As a general rule, to form the plural, you have to add an -s. In some special cases, you add -es. ADJECTIVES: Adjectives can be masculine or feminine, singular or plural. They can appear before or after the noun they accompany (with slightly different meanings), but always after other possible determiners, like articles, possessives or demonstratives, among others. Adjectives always agree in gender and in number with the noun they accompany. ADVERBS: You can build an adverb out of an adjective by taking the feminine singular adjective and adding the suffix “-ment”. DETERMINATE ARTICLES (“The”): Masculine singular: Ou (oul’ before vowels or “h”) Masculine plural: Ous Feminine singular: A (al’ before vowels or “h”) Feminine plural: As. As in other Romance languages, these articles are used to constrain the extension of the noun they accompany to entities already known by the interlocutors.


Masculine singular: U~ (u~n’ before vowels or “h”) Masculine plural: U~ns Feminine singular: Una (un’ before vowels or “h”) Feminine plural: Unas.

These articles are used with the noun they accompany, to show that it represents an unknown entity for the interlocutors, which is mentioned for the first time in the conversation, or which is going to be described in a vague and indefinite way. PERSONAL PRONOUNS: Tonic (subject and in stresses positions, such as after prepositions): 1s Jo 2s Tu 3ms Ill 3fs Illa 1p Nos 2p Vos 3mp Illes 3fp Illas Atonic (Object): They appear as postponed clitics to the verbs. 1s Mi 2s Ti 3s Si 1p Nus 2p Vus 3p Si VERBS: Verbs in Angelian are much easier than in other languages: * All the verbs are regular. * There is only one conjugation (all the verbs converged into the Latin 1st conjugation in -are > -re). * There is no subjunctive.

The only irregular verbs are auxiliary: esâre (to be), which is used in the passive voice, and hawâre (to have), which is used in the compound tenses. They are irregular only in “present” tense, but regular in the other tenses. All the infinitives end in –re, the present participles (or gerunds) in –ant (some in –ent) and the past participles in –at. Every tense is formed out of the verbal stem plus some special endings for each person, number and tense. It is not mandatory (but recommendable) that the subject of the sentence always appears, as it can be identified by the verbal ending. Present tense of hawâre (“I have”): 1s J’heh 2s T’has 3s Ill/Illa hast 1p Nos hawès 2p Vos hawès 3p Illes/Illas hawen Present tense of esâre (“I am”): 1s Jo swi 2s T’es 3s Ill/Illa eh 1p Nos soimes 2p Vos ets 3p Illes/Illas sen There are three kind of verbs according to their stem (you only need to know two of them):

* Strong verbs, whose stem can be obtained from the infinitive by removing the –re ending. The infinitive of these verbs is a paroxitone word, this is, the stressed syllable is the last but one. Example: chantre / "tSantre / --> chant–. They don’t have any ending for the 1st person singular in “present” tense (jo chant, I sing). * Weak verbs, for which there is an intermediate –â– (pronounced / @ / ) between the stem and the ending –re. The infinitive of these verbs is a proparoxitone word, this is, the stressed syllable is the last but two. Example: es^are / "es@re / --> es–, ven^are / "ven@re/ --> ven–. They have an –e for the 1st person singular in “present” tense (jo vene, I come). Present tense of chantre (strong verb): I sing 1s Jo chant 2s Tu chantes 3s Ill/Illa chante 1p Nos chantèms 2p Vos chantèts 3p Illes/Illas chanten Present tense of venâre (strong verb): I come 1s Jo vene 2s Tu venes 3s Ill/Illa vene 1p Nos venèms 2p Vos venèts 3p Illes/Illas venen

WEB: http://es.geocities.com/aingelja It includes a complete and detailed grammar and dictionary.


a, ad  = to
a, al'  = the (feminine)
animau  = animal
àrul  = tree
aucu~  = something, somebody
automoul = car
autovïa  = highway
bain  = well
boixeu  = boxing
cadé  = to fall
casa  = home, house
cat  = cat
centre  = centre
cità  = city
cõ  = with
començé  = to begin (literally: it began)
conduçabe = to drive (literally: it was driving)
confidenza = confidence, familiarity
consolat = consoled
content  = glad, happy
da  = of the (feminine)
de  = of
defendre = to defend
defeza  = to, towards
deixemre = December
depüi  = after, afterwards
deul  = weak
dïe  = day
direixabe = to go (literally: it was going)
donâre  = to give
donat  = given
dou, doul' = of the (masculine)
durant  = during
e  = and
esabe  = to be (literally: it was)
esé  = to be (literally: it was)
ggel  = ice
hawabe  = to have (literally: it had)
hawâre  = to have
ill  = he
intentabe = to try (literally: it tried)
ïu  = him (indirect object)
lontanabe = to move away (literally: it moved away)
matina  = morning
meh  = but; although; more; most
mjau  = miaow (sound of a cat)
moment  = moment
mout  = a lot of, much
nasa  = nose
ne, n'  = in, at
nõ  = no, not
ocurré  = to happen (literally: it happened)
ou, oul' = the (masculine)
pã  = bread
paré  = to stop (literally: it stopped)
pauc  = little
pensat  = to think (literally: thought)
piceu  = small
potabe  = can (literally: it could)
pur  = for
pur tant = therefore
qwand  = when
ri-encendé = to restart
rifleixabe = to reflect oneself (literally: it reflected itself>
ritorné  = to come back, to return (literally: it came back, it returned)
sa  = his, her, its (feminine)
sandaraci~ = Sandarakinos (Greek) (I don't know what this means!)
scoutre  = to hear
se  = one (used in impersonal sentences, like "man" in German)
semàfor  = traffic light
sentabe  = to feel (literally: it felt)
si  = himself, herself, itself (reflexive pronoun)
sitwacjõ = situation
sou, soul' = his, her, it (masculine)
super  = on, over
tot  = all
u~  = a, an; one
umra  = shadow
vadé  = to go (literally: it went)
want  = glove

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March 19th, 2006
Comments? Suggestions? Corrections? You can drop me a line.