Ring A: 10/18: Latin
Padraic Brown
In aliquo mane de dicembrê, hic pugillator fut
itinerando per suo autocarro,
magis quando illus paraut apud hoc semaphorê,
aliquis homo decasit ad sui
rostro in viam. Hic pugillator fut vadendo ad
illi foro quando illunc accasit.
Tenut unû piccolû de matera, & potut audire
istunc miucullum de uno cattillo
sarcristahanico. Debile hic cattuttus sedut!,
necente se movindo, tanto plus hic
tamptaut capere illam confidentiâ de illo
cattullum. Hic pugillator ludit, deex
postem hic dedit quem panim & desposte remputaut
de illam situationê & reversit
ad illo autocarro. Magis illic cattinus
sarcristahanicus necente erat satisfacto.
Illic cattus saltaut in illam umbrellâ deex illo
arborê. Magis habut multa geles.
Magis hic extensit suam umbrellâ, & trataut
sedefendere metipsi constantim. Magis
illus cattus habut endurato et hic pugillator
reddut ad illû autocarro & ad domu
vadut. Per totû diâ, hic erat contentus cosa
illum cattum & sus miaucullos.
Twas one morning in December this boxer was
driving his motorcar and when he stopped at the
signal, this man fell on his face in the road.
Now, the boxer was heading downtown when this
happened. He had a wooden piccolo and was able to
hear the meows of this little cat. The cat just
sat there meekly!, didn't move at all, no matter
how much he tried to gain its confidence. The
boxer played, then gave it a little bread, then
thought about it and went back to the motorcar.
But the cat wasn't at all satisfied. The cat
leapt onto the umbrella from the tree, but there
was a lot of ice. He hoisted up the umbrella and
tried to defend himself constantly. But the cat
endured and the boxer went back to his motorcar
and rushed home. All day long, he was happy
because of the cat and his little meows.
A couple words that might give trouble:
necente : nec + ente (< ens, entis)
piccolû : tibia musikes de argento vel materia
pugillator : homo quis tenet cestus pugillare
sarcristahanico : ? (< sacre stahu?)