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Ring B: 3/20: Asha'ille |
Arthaey Angosii | ||
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<< Tatari Faran | Xara >> |
Ne Rekreí 'sa Veia'gijhevon ne Mlaiye Eshólivash Ayana ne en'i jho cchirn. Keyanu ne sshókaroth chiduna. Kén'jeni ne mirvon eyemale so'jo vae'áldae gir'má en. Jhor'en i 'sa iyen'lli t'ven chaea seni vilo'ezán. Jhor'vae deigan seni t'chilaizen 'sa fo ccat. Arin mmavta en'i eg chilaizen vel'nain vedá'deigan, kret'dayuna daedava. Akénelvni ne naea 'sa vae'mirvonsec eyemale so'jo kae. Girsardos énteni ne peijan, t'ves nesh saemirv eyemale so'jo. Jhiviken én'i ne peijan. Ve'dosar manivtec en'i ne ezán eg ita sa, kret'énec en gir'kache, t'vet yubirva vae'e llaeath eirsi seni vep'shápavonad doven'kasaea. Vik'saemirv eyemale so'jo. Jhor'mlo chilaizen vekeluna t'jhi gir'sshi i rojh, jjhen. Yanú. |
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A Joke to Alleviate Your Winter Melancholy This is about a young man. The time is the month of Sheshokaro. He can see the teacher's cart coming down the next road. The student is in his yard, near the embankment. On his shoulder is a fat, red delaizen. He tries to make the delaizen move from his shoulder to the ground, but she always balances. He looks at the place where the teacher's cart is coming. He worries more and more, because the teacher's cart arrives soon. He continues to worry. He makes her paw touch the embankment, but it feels very cold and thus it climbs into his school bag to soothe herself within there. Now the teacher's cart arrives. The rest of the delaizen's day is even more amusing, of course. The end. |
Grammar |
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Personal Deixis --------------- Normal deixis is like most other languages: everything is relative to the speaker and the present. But when telling a story in Asha'ille, it is very common for the deixis to be shifted to make a different person the grammatical first person or shift the base time period. Typically, the main character of a story becomes central and all others become relative to that character. To mark the change in deixis, any or all of the following may be employed: _ayana_: changes subjects used in the story _neyane_: changes objects used in the story _keyanu_: changes time of the story These words as used as follows: Ayana ne <grammatical person> jho <character>. After the personal deixis has thus been shifted, any use of the specified grammatical person will be understood to be from the character's point of view. Thus, normally _en'i_ refers to the speaker: Shav en'i ne asha'ille. "I speak Asha'ille." But if you change _eni'_ to refer to _illen_ "friend" instead, the meaning changes: Ayana ne en'i jho illen. Shav en'i ne asha'ille. "(This from a friend's perspective.) 'I' speaks Asha'ille." "A friend speaks Asha'ille." Translating directly into English if difficult, but the important thing to note is that the subject is really the friend. Pragmatically, shifting deixis like this asks the listeners to empathize more closely with the new point-of-view character. Temporal Deixis --------------- Like personal deixis, temporal deixis can also change what the assumed time point of reference is. Normally, the present is assumed. The general form is: Keyanu ne <time period>. Like noted above, "Shav en'i ne asha'ille" will usually mean "I speak Asha'ille." But if you change the time to _rékretil_ "long ago": Keyanu ne rékretil. Shav en'i ne asha'ille. "(The time was long ago.) I 'speak' Asha'ille." "I once spoke Asha'ille." Any shifted deixis is ended by _yanú_. Statements of Equivalence ------------------------- Asha'ille does not use a normal verb for copula sentences. Where you could think of two things as being equivalent, A = B, you say in Asha'ille: Jhor'A t'B. "A is B." Conjugations ------------ All verbs end with _v_, excepting one class of verbs. Verbs ending in _-illev_ are frequently shortened by dropping the _-illev_ entirely. For example, the verb _énillev_ "to feel" is often seen in texts as simply _én'_. Conjugations and other suffixes are agglutinative, following after the final _v_ without otherwise modifying the verb form. Conjugations are fairly complex in Asha'ille, but for this particular text you only need to know a few things about it. _En'i_ is a pronoun that refers to the speaker, or to the person described by a personal deixis shift. Its conjugation is _-(e)ni_. Female animals use the conjugation _-a_. Objects use the conjugation _-ec_. "Intimate strangers" -- such as those you might tell a story to -- use the conjugation _-aiye_. Emaeliv en'i ne emaen. write self OBJ: letter "I write a letter." Emaelivni ne emaen. write-self OBJ: letter "I write a letter." Note that _-(e)ni contracts to just _-i_ when following an abbreviated _-illev_ verb that then ends with an _n'_. Kénillevni ne emaen. "I see a letter." Kén'i ne emaen. "I see a letter." Verbal Sentences ---------------- Other than copula sentences, Asha'ille is strictly VSO word order. There are no case markings on verbs, so the word _ne_ separates the subject from the object. Even when there is no subject noun (only a conjugation), the _ne_ must still precede the object. Direct versus indirect objects are not distinguished except by context. Possessives ----------- There are two types of possession in Asha'ille: tangible and intangible. Tangible possession is used for things that the owner can control, and intangible for everything else. Tangible possession is formed by attaching the prefix _so-_ to the possesor, or _s-_ to a pronoun referring to the possessor. ne chirejhen so'san OBJ: toy POSS-girl "the girl's toy" ne akol seni OBJ: tail POSS-self "my tail" Intangible possession is formed by attaching the prefix _mlo-_ to the possessor, or the prefiix _ml-_ to a pronoun referring to the possessor. ne mleni aimenad OBJ: POSS-self village "my village" Adjectives ---------- If you understand regular expression syntax, the following describes Asha'ille sentence structure: adverb? verb (adjective? subject)? (ne adjective? object){0,2} (phrases)* Otherwise, I'll explain. :) Single-word adjectives precede their head noun. Otherwise, they must follow after the core VSO structure, in an adjectival phrase marked with which noun it modifies. An exception to single-word adjectives preceding is a tangible possessive, which may directly follow the noun if the possessor is one word. Emaelivni ne docheth emaen. "I write a short letter." Emaelivni ne edhalth emaen. "I write a personal letter." Emaelivni ne emaen e'kath docheth edhalth. "I write a short, personal letter." Emaelivni ne emaen seni. "I write my letter." If both a descriptive and tangible-possessive adjective are used, they can both surround the adjective if they are single words: Emaelivni ne docheth emaen seni. "I write my short letter." _Egik_ heads an adjectival phrase that modifies the subject, and _e'kath_ heads one that modifies the object. _'Sa_ heads a phrase that modifies the word immediately preceding it. Adverbs ------- Adverbs are treated very similarly to adjectives. Adjectives may be turned into adverbs by prefixing them with _ve'-_. Single-word adverbs precede the verb; multi-word ones follow the core VSO elements in an adverbial phrase headed by _eg_. Adverbial phrases can have more specific roles, like indicating time or location. In such cases, the phrase is headed by something other than _eg_. For example, _vae'-_ heads a locational adverbial phrase: Ve'nagh emaelivni ne emaen. "I write a letter poorly." Vae'cresin emaelivni ne emaen. "I write a letter at home." In both cases, the adverbial phrase is only one word long, so it precedes the verb. Compare: Emaelivni ne emaen vae'cresin seni. "I write a letter at my home." Adverbial phrases may optionally end with a closing word that closely mirrors the phrase's opening adverb. This usually only occurs when some confusion about what words belongs to the phrase might arrise, but below is an example for example's sake: Emaelivni ne emaen vae'cresin seni kae. "I write a letter at my home." Verbal Particles ---------------- Particles indicating tense and mood appear between the verb and any conjugations. Two such particles are: _-j-_: ability; "to be able to" _-t-_: involuntary: "to be forced to" For example: Emaelivjeni ne emaen. "I can write a letter." Showing that an action was involuntary -- that someone else caused the actor to do the action -- is marked with _-t-_ on the verb, followed by the actor's conjugation. The person or thing forcing the action may optionally be given in the position normally reserved for the subject. Emaelivteni ne emaen. "I am forced to write a letter." Emaelivteni illen seni ne emaen. "My friend forces me to write a letter." Cause and Effect ---------------- Cause-and-effect clauses are joined by _t'ves_, literally "and then, also." The second clause always begins with this _t'ves_, independent of whether it is the cause or the effect. The verb of the effect-clause is marked with the _-t-_ "forced" paticle. Emaelivni ne emaen. "I write a letter." Emaeliv illen seni ne emaenim. "My friend writes letters." Emaelivteni en emaen, t'ves emaeliv illen seni ne emaenim. "I write a letter because my friend writes letters." Emaeliv illen seni ne emaenim, t'ves emaelivteni ne emaen. "Because my friend writes letters, I write a letter." Miscellaneous ------------- * Only one apostrophe may appear in a contiguous section of text. This means that if a word has an internal apostrophe, and then is prefixed by something else that contains an apostrophe, the second apostrophe will "disappear." ne a'llad "the meeting" ne gir'a llad "the great meeting" * Verbs can be nominalized by siffixing "_-on_" to the verb, before any conjugations the verb may have. Kénilleva ne emaelivoneni. "She sees that I write." "She sees me writing." If the nominalized verb has its own arguments, the usual _ne_ that precedes objects becomes _done_ instead: Kénilleva ne emaelivoneni done emaen. "She sees that I write a letter." "She sees me writing a letter."
Vocabulary |
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-a pron. female animal -ad part. reflexive -aiye pron. informal intimate stranger akénelv v. to look at áldae adj. next arin adv. try, attempt ayana deix. (see notes) ccat adj. fat cchirn n. young man chaea n. yard chiduna n. month chilaizen n. pet Delaizen daedav v. to balance dayuna adv. always, all time deigan n. back, shoulder do- adj. repeated; X times. part. (embedded clause) dosar adv. once, one time -ec pron. it eg adv. (heads phrase that modifies verb) eirsi n. sack (originally meant for grain, but has other uses) e'llaea school, place of learning en'i pron. self -(e)ni pron. self eshólivash n. winter melancholy, tiredness eyemale n. animal-drawn vehicle ezán n. embankment, especially of a yard fo adj. red gijhev v. to better gir'- adj. big; adv. more, very girsardos adv. increasingly, more and more ita n. hand, paw -(i)th (adjectivizer) iyen'lli n. student, learner -j- part. able to jhi interj. yes. adj. intensifier jhiviken adv. still, continue jho deix. (see notes) jhor'- cop. (see notes) jjhen interj. of course jo n. master scribe, teacher kae adv. phrase-closing complement to _vae'-_ kasaea n. there, over there, that place kénillev v. to see keyanu deix. (see notes) kache n. cold kret'- conj. but má'en n. trail gir'má en n. road maniv v. to touch mirv v. to come ml- poss. int. mmav v. to move naea n. place, location nain n. ground, floor ne (precedes object of sentence) nesh adv. soon -on (verb nominalizer) peijan n. worry rekreví n. story, joke rojh adv. phrase-closing complement to _jhor'-_ -s- part. progressive aspect 'sa (heads phrase that modifies previous word) saemirv v. to arrive shápav v. to soothe, to calm so'- poss. tan. sshi'i adj. amusing, funny, surprising sshókaro n. winter soltice festival t'- cop. (see notes); conj. and -t- part. forced action vae'- adv. where vedá'- adv. from veia'- adv. goal vekeluna n. rest of the day vel'- adv. to, toward ven'- adv. within, through ves'- adv. while, during, simultaneously vet'- adv. thus, therefore vik'- adv. now vilo'- adv. near yanú deix. (see notes) yubirv v. to climb (the object of the sentence is what was climbed, a locational adverbial phrase describes the destination of the climb) LEGEND ------ adv. adverb cop. copula conj. conjunction deix. deixis int. intangible interj. interjection n. noun part. verbal particle poss. possessive pron. pronoun or conjugation tan. tangible v. verb
Conculture |
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The speakers of Asha'ille are a quadrepal feline species known as the Cresaeans. Their homes are dug out below the level of the streets, and thus their yards have embankments surround them, rather than fences.
Writing, literacy, and history are valued very highly in Cresaean culture. Young Cresaeans are taught by scribes. The lucky ones may appentice under a master scribe, who teach them more that just practical knowledge of literacy. The masters host their few apprentices in their home during the weekdays, and will often pick up their students in an animal-drawn cart at the beginning of the week.
Cresaeans are genetically related to a small tree-dwelling feline species, _dehalaizen_ in Asha'ille, "Delaizen" in English. A subspecies of this species has been domesticated as pets.
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