Ring B: 4/20: Xara

Jim Taylor
[ Relay 13 | Ring A | Ring B | Ring C | Conlangs | Participants ]
[ Xara | Smooth English | Grammar | Vocabulary | Abbrevs. ]

<< Asha'ille Tæĺf >>


melim to veyin gur velan foleyeder tolixan ha ximalas.

kexodoxol, fajideyel pojuxeler ha golemas, xeye ro as si ha sumas. fajideyel ha oras do salajem si ha zagedas romero fulud. ha oros tungoj kilan xu tumban fo imeraj asar. ha faradas tungojer kever no imeraj asar ro dur nu ha rumas kisoloman seun. pojuxeler fajidumar ha gorimas xeye si ha sumas. xeon pojuxel ha romeras seon fajideyel ha orjias kisayodan. ha xomelas orji kisayodean tomfe. feyot asar fuluder ha karejas nu seye ha oras fuman tolix. tungoj ha sojam rodo gerimov fajotoran asar xu fajidel ha semelas or zajeyulan. hujol, pojuxel fajidumar ha sumas. tungoj fajideyelar ki ha oras zaleyonas guro tal folar sean.

Smooth Translation

A story of how a young man beat the Winter Blues.

One December a student saw a sleigh come up to him. He was in a yard standing near the embankment. On his shoulder was a red, fat cat. He tried to put the cat down from his shoulder onto the ground, but she stayed balanced there. He looked at the teacher's sleigh arriving. As it drew nearer he became increasingly anxious. He continued getting more and more anxious. His hand touched the embankment, but it was very cold. The cat climbed into his school bag and the student started to clam down. Then the teacher's sleigh arrived. The student's cat was very amused for the rest of the day.


Articles: there are no definite or indefinite articles.

Noun cases: the following suffixes are used in this text
(no suffix) = nominative
-er = accusative
-ar = genitive
The genitive case ending -ar can also be attached to a personal pronoun to 
make a possesive pronoun. As with adjectives (see below), possesive pronouns 
follow the nouns they qualify.

Adjectives: end in -an. This suffix can be added to a noun to turn it into 
an adjective. Adjectives follow nouns and do not use any qualifying 
The comparative form is made by replacing the suffix -an with -ean.

Adverbs: usually end in -ol. This suffix can be added nouns denoting dates, 
months, days, events etc. to indicate the sense of 'at the time of',
'during' 'in' etc.

The infinitive is indicated by the plain verb stem without any endings.
Verbs are usually conjugated as follows:
mood indicator (if used) - tense indicator - verb+personal pronoun suffix
The following mood indicators are used in this text:
ki = turns the verb into the passive voice
si = indicates a continuous action and is also used in all relative clauses, 
where English may simply use the participle ending '-ing'
The following tense indicator is used in this text:
ha = indicates past tense
The following personal pronoun suffix is used in this text:
-as = indicates the third person singular

Prepositions: are used with nouns in the nominative case

Relative clauses:
Where the relative pronoun is in the nominative, the clause refers to the
subject of the sentence (even though it may follow the object) - see Word
Order below.

Word Order:
subject - object - verb - adverb/ relative clause/ predicate etc.


as = 3rd person singular pronoun
do = in (prep.)
dur = earth, ground (n.)
fajideyel = pupil (n.)
fajidum = teacher (n.)
fajotor = school (n.)
faradas = try, endeavour (v.)
feyot = hand (n.)
fo = on, upon (prep.)
fol = day (n.)
foleyed = melancholy state, the 'blues' (n.)
fulud = embankment (n.)
fuman = cold (adj.)
gerimov = sack, bag (n.)
golem = see (v.)
gorim = look (at) (v.)
gur = man (n.)
guro = during (prep.)
ha = past tense indicator
hujol = then, next (conj.)
imeraj = shoulder (n.)
karej = touch (v.)
kever = down (prep.)
kexodox = December (n.)
ki = passive mood indicator
kilan = red (adj.)
kisayodan = anxious, worried (adj.)
kisoloman = balanced (adj.)
melim = story (n.)
no = from (prep.)
nu = but (conj.)
or = be (v.)
orji = become (v.)
pojuxel = sleigh (n.)
ro = to, towards (prep.)
rodo = into (prep.)
romer = near, approach (v.)
romero = near (prep.)
rum = stay, remain (v.)
salajem = yard, enclosure (n.)
sean = that (dem. adj.)
semel = begin, start (v.)
seon = (see 'xeon')
seun = there, at that place (prep.)
seye = this one (dem. prn.)
si = continuous mood indicator
sojam = climb (v.)
sum = come, arrive (v.)
sum = come, arrive (v.)
tal = remainder, rest (n.)     
to = about, concerning (prep.)
tolix = 1. winter (n.) 2. very (adv.)
tomfe = greatly, a lot, to a lrage degree (adv.)
tumban = fat (adj.)
tungoj = cat (n.)
velan = young (adj.)
veyin = how (inter. part.)
xeon' seon = as, lit. when' then (conj.)
xeye = which (rel. prn.)
ximal = defeat, conquer (v.)
xomel = continue (v.)
xu = and (conj.)
zaged = stand (v.)
zajeyulan = calm, tranquil (adj.)
zaleyon = amuse (v.)


adj. = adjective
adv. = adverb
conj. = conjunction
dem. = demonstrative
inter. = interrogative
n. = noun
part. = particle
prep. = preposition
prn. = pronoun
rel. = relative
v. = verb

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March 2nd, 2006
Comments? Suggestions? Corrections? You can drop me a line.