Ring A: 7/18: Carrajena

Adam Walker
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[ Carrajena | Smooth English | Vocabulary | Abbrevs. ]

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Juni sumani djul Chemveru, avins junu chestu fin esperud ad il stachuni in al via djils cochis fin caded peu'l nazu in al via. Erad laxandu ad al marraza ul fistu chestu, pomu recorru. Erad pedizindu chirga juna auvorida dji junu coju, ed logud jun juna juriga pera uls míaus dji juna cadisca ranchuna. Fuid il animali devili idavi provud cunsolari ul chestu ad il animali. Jin tinindu spichid juni pani iji ed djipinzud ul chestu fi lerrunajid ad il cochi ad ul si tempu. Peru nun nicunsolud al cadisca ranchuna. In ul pumpu xestinded al cadisca in al jumbra djal auvorida, peru pomu recorru, fuid jid tan mutu djelu, aguchi tranxuogud si vra al jumbra. Cumvi in aurru vichi devindud atindu jid, logud ul chestu sivi in il cochi, ed vaderuns ad ul domu. Debostu ul irindu, fuid ul aurru mutu djil djurnu juni agradavui cun al cadisca ed ul si míaus.

Smooth Translation

One morning in December, there was a young man who was waiting at the station on the highway(?) who fell on his nose in the road. This young man was going to school, as I recall. He was standing by a bush in a garden and cocked his head at the sound of an orange cat's meowing. The animal was weak, so the young man tried to comfort it. As he was concidering what to do, he spied a piece of bread over there, and the young man thought about eventually returning to the car. But the orange cat wasn't perking up. at that moment the cat stretched itself in the shadow of the bush, but, as I recall, it was way too cold, so he moved the cat out of the shade. When the cat had once again become attentive, the young man put it in his car and went back home. After the trip, the rest of the day passed pleasantly with the cat and its meowing.


The Etymons: (If unmarked the etymon is Latin. Other
wise see abbreviations below.  Listing more than one
etymon indicates that C-an words of the same form
derive from the listed etymons or suppletive forms are
derived from the second etymon.)

ad          AD      
agradavui   AD+GRATUM
aguchi      AC+UT+SI
al          ILLAM
animali     ANIMALIS
atindu      ATTENTUS
aurru       ALTERUM
auvorida    ARBOR+ITA
averi       AVERI
caderi      CADERE
cadisca     Bb. KADDISKA (>Lt. CATTA)
cochis      Hg. KOCSI (cf. Sp. coche)
coju        Gk. CHORION/Lt. CORIUM
cumvi       CUMQUE
cun         CUM
cunsolari   CONSOLARI
Chemveru    (DE)CEMBER
chestu      CAESTUS
chirga      CIRCA
debostu     DE+POST
devili      DEBILIS
devindari   DEFENDERE
domu        DOMUS
djelu       GELU
dji         DE
djil        DE+il
djipinzari  DE+PENSARE
djul        DE+ul
djurnu      DIURNUS
ed          ET
eseri/erad/fuid  ESSE
estinderi   EXTENDERE
fi          QUI
fin         QUEM
fistu       QUI+ISTUD
idavi       ITA+QUE
iji         ILLUC
il          ILLE
in          IN
iri/vadud   IRE/VADERE
jid         ILLUD+ID
jin         IAM
jumbra      UMBRA
jun         ILLUD+EAM
juna/i/u    UNUM
jurigua     AURICULA 
laxari      LAXARE
lerrunari   RETORNARI
logari      LOCARE
marraza     Ar. MADRASA
míaus       onomot.
mutu        MULTA
nazu        NASUS
nun         NON
pani        PANEM
pedizeri    PEDI+ERI
pera        PER AD
peru        PER HOC
peu'l       PER+al/il/ul
pomu        POMUM/QUOMODO
provari     PROBARE
pumpu       PUNCTU
ranchuna    It. ARANCIONE
recorrari   RECORDARI
si          SE/SI/SIC
sivi        SIBI
spichiri    SPICERE
stachuni    STATIONEM
sumani      (DE)+IPSU+MANE
tan         TAM
tempu       TEMPUS
tinindu     pres.p. of TENERE
tranxuogari TRANS+LOCARE
ul          ILLUD      
via         VIA
vichi       VICEM
vra         (IN)FRA


ad          to, at, by, in, toward, upon
agradavui   agreeable, pleasant
aguchi      so, therefore, thus
al          the
animali     animal
atindu      attentive, courteous, solicitous
aurru       other
auvorida    shrub, bush
averi       to have
caderi      to fall
cadisca     cat
cochis      coach, carriage, car
coju        garden
cumvi       when
cun         with
cunsolari   console, comfort, revive, refresh, animate
Chemveru    December
chestu      a youth
chirga      approximately, close, near, round about,
debostu     after, afterwards, later, next, next to,
since, then
devili      weak
devindari   become
domu        house
djelu       cold
dji         of, from, down
djil        of the, from the
djipinzari  to think about
djul        of the, from the
djurnu      day
ed          and
eseri/erad/fuid  to be
esperari    to hope, to wait, to make a pit stop
estinderi   to extend, to stretch, to pull taut
fi          which, that
fin         who
fistu       this one
idavi       thus, so
iji         yon
il          the
in          in, on, upon
iri/vadud   to go
jid         it
jin         then, now (past reference)
jumbra      shadow
jun         he
juna/i/u    one, a
jurigua     ear 
laxari      to leave, go out, flee
lerrunari   return
logari      put, palce, put in place
marraza     school
míaus       meow
mutu        much, many, a lot, more, greatly
nazu        nose
nun         not (emphatic)
pani        bread
pedizeri    to stand
pera        for, in my opinion, in order to
peru        but, for
peu'l       by the, for the, in the, through the, upon
pomu        like, as, how  ALSO apple tree 
provari     to try on/out, give a try, have a
look-see, approve, prove
pumpu       dot, point, decimal, period, moment
ranchuna    orange color
recorrari   remember, memorize
si          it (obj.)/if/yes
sivi        to it
spichiri    to look at, see
stachuni    station
sumani      morning
tan         too, so
tempu       time
tinindu     considering, all things concidered
tranxuogari to move to another location, transfer
ul          the      
via         road
vichi       time (mainly in phrase "in aurru vichi" =
once more, once again
vra         from, among


Ar. = Arabic
Bb. = Berber
Gk. = Greek
Hg. = Hungarian
It. = Italian
onomot. = onomotopoea
pres. p. = present participle

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March 19th, 2006
Comments? Suggestions? Corrections? You can drop me a line.