Ring A: 6/18: entrelenga

Clayton Cardoso
[ Relay 13 | Ring A | Ring B | Ring C | Conlangs | Participants ]
[ entrelenga | Smooth English | Vocabulary | Abbrevs. ]

<< Kerno Carrajena >>


Era nel matín de un di de decembro, un jovane, andando a l'estacione pe la rota de autos, cal a caú al nas en l'estrada. Era esto jovane de cal me recordo, andando a l'escola. El era de pei prosimo a un arbusto de un jardín, i a elevao los omers al cantego de un gato de color aranj. L'animal era debilitao durante que lo jovane tentava animar l'animal. Poi, el a visto un pan aparer lá, que lo jovane a reconoszú que l'auto retornarea a tempo. Ma lo gato de color aranj non era animao. En cel momén, lo gato a esténs la mana del arbusto, ma de ce me recordo, era ecesivo freo, que el a remoto la mana. Cando el a retornao atento, lo jovane lo a posto nel auto i a esí a la casa. Poi, durante lo di i poi de esir col gato i col cantego, a estao un di agradavile.

Smooth Translation

It was in the morning of a day in December, a youngster, going to the station through the car route, who fell on the ground (hitting his nose) on the street. It was this youngster whom I recall, going to the school. He stood by a bush of a garden, and shrugged by the song of an orangish cat. The animal was weakened while the youngster tried to animate the animal. After that, he saw some bread appear there, because the youngster recognized that the car would come back in time. But the orangish cat wasn't animated. In that moment, the cat extended its hand out of the bush, but what I recall, it was too cold, because the cat removed its hand. When he went back vigilantly, the youngster put him into the car and went home. After that, during the day and after going away with the cat and with the song, it was an enjoyable day.


a (prep) a [esp].
agradavile (adj/adv) agradable [esp].
al (= a + lo)
andar, andao (v1) andare, andato [ita].
animal (mn) animal [fra].
animar, animao (v1) animar [esp].
aparer, aparú (v2) aparea, apărut [rom].
aver, avú (iv) avea, avut [rom].
aranj (mn) arancio [ita].
arbusto (mn) arbusto [esp].
a tempo (adv) la timp [rom].
atento (adj/adv) atento [por].
auto (mn) auto [fra].
caer, caú (v2) cadere, caduto [ita].
cal (pron) cal [glg].
cando (conj) cando [glg].
casa (fn) casa [esp].
ce (pron) ce [rom].
cel (pron) cel [rom].
cantego (mn) cântec [rom].
co (prep) cu [rom].
col (= co + lo)
color (mn) color [esp].
de (prep) de [esp].
decembro (mn) dezembro [por].
debilitao (adj/adv) debilité [fra].
del (= de + lo)
de pei (adv) de pie [esp].
di (mn) zi [rom].
durante (prep) durante [esp].
ecesivo (adj/adv) eccessivo [ita].
el (pron) el [rom].
elevar, elevao (v1) élévér, élévé [fra].
en (prep) en [fra].
escola (fn) escola [por].
eser, estao (iv) essere, stato [ita].
esir, esí (v4) ieşi, ieşit [rom].
estacione (fn) estación [esp].
estender, esténs (v3) estendere, esteso [ita].
esto (pron) esto [esp].
estrada (fn) estrada [por].
freo (adj/adv) freddo [ita].
gato (fn) gato [por].
i (conj) i [cat].
jardín (mn) jardín [esp].
jovane (mn) giovane [ita].
la, l' (art) la, l' [ita].
lá (adv) là [fra].
lo, l' (art) il, lo, l' [ita].
ma (prep) ma [ita].
mana (fn) mână [rom].
matín (mn) matin [fra].
momén (mn) moment [fra].
nas (mn) nas [rom].
nel (= en + lo)
non (adv) non [ita].
omer (mn) umăr [rom].
pan (mn) pan [esp].
pe (prep) pe [rom].
poi (adv) poi [ita].
poner, posto (v3) pôr, posto [por].
prosimo (adj/adv) prossimo [ita].
que (sub. conj) che [ita].
que (coord. conj) que [por].
reconoscer, reconoszú (v2) recunoaşte, reconoscut [rom].
recordar se, recordao (v1) recordarse, recordado [esp].
remover, remoto (v3) removere, remotum [lat].
retornar, retornao (v1) retornar, retornado [por].
rota (fn) rota [por].
tentar, tentao (v1) tentar, tentado [por].
un (art) un [esp].
veer, visto (v3) ver, visto [esp].


adj - adjective
adv - adverb
art - article
conj - conjunction
coord. conj - coordinate conjunction
fn - feminine noun
iv - irregular verb
mn - masculine noun
prep - preposition
pron - pronoun
sub. conj - subordinate conjunction
v1 - verb of the 1st conjugation
v2 - verb of the 2nd conjugation
v3 - verb of the 3rd conjugation
v4 - verb of the 4th conjugation

cat - Catalan (http://www.ibiblio.org/dacco/dict/cateng/engSpeakers/full/main.htm)
esp - Spanish
fra - French
glg - Galician (http://sli.uvigo.es/CLIG/clig_en.html)
ita - Italian
lat - Latin
por - Portuguese
rom - Romanian ( http://www.dictionare.com/english/dictionaries1.htm)

<< Kerno Carrajena >>



March 19th, 2006
Comments? Suggestions? Corrections? You can drop me a line.