Ring B: 17/20: Darynese

Rebecca Harbison
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[ Darynese | Smooth English | Grammar | Vocabulary ]

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Nyo alsokul Malero aon zaitririlao taeyaonao ilaetraese dekaeda.

Nereo meokema, ilazae yaomi.

aobakaeyero kidaini leobysurile rynmyle taoze muzaeryn zaitrise yaominaim rynlukae. Naerbole minyime kaelesinkul nemem peodese Malero. Nyaram, nyriose yaomi.

Yaominaimao telaesni treose taozi ritryn. Nyaram, yimi naeberil ruraril lizrese taeyao. Subenyai, ritryn sataisepa yaomi. Aldaonaiyaon naen zedairil ilaise zusi. Yadiruainaime kaelesin sem doruse yaomi.

Kaelesin kaimaese ikelerilao yaomi. Yaomi yitusreose aomayaon yadiruai. Ilaezae yaomi. Aobakaelaero sem elbese kaelesin.

Smooth Translation

We tell to you a story about a man named Malero.

Last winter, he was happy.

His home was a tall stone building in the stony-desert near the sea. He searched for white, glassy ships and he waited.

A large bird stood on his shoulder, and he tried to force it to leave, but he couldn't grab the bird. The animal held with its talons, finally, when he saw the teacher's ship.

Scared, he entered the ship. The teacher greeted him with her hand. He was happy as the ship moved towards the sea.


The overall syntax of Darynse is OVS. The verbs are conjugated based on politeness level and evidentiality. There are four levels of politeness in Darynese, but only one (polite) is used here. As for the evidentiality, Darynese verbs can be conjugated based on whether they are positive or negative.

The suffix -ril is used to turn a verb into a participle. This also can be used to make compound verbs (riril-tusreo (to want to pilot)) or identifying clauses (ririli-ritryn (the bird that is flying)).

Adjectives and adverbs precede the word they modify, and change ending to match the gender of the noun. These are listed in the affix section. Adverbs are left in the root forms. Note that these rules are also used on participles.

A noun is pluralized by attaching /al-/ to it as a prefix. An indirect object is indicated by the suffix /-kul/and is usually attached to the verb. A noun can be turned into an adjective (if an adjective doesn't exist already) by adding the possessive -naim.


aobakae: sea, ocean, large lake
aoma: hand
aon: name
also: second-person indefinite/mixed gender pural pronoun
daonai: talon
dekaeda: we (inclusive, neuter)
doru: to see
elbese: to travel, to move (also used for most motion verbs, like
walk, run, etc.)
ikele: to be afraid
ilaetrae: to speak, to tell
ilai: to begin
ilazae: to feel joy
kaela: reeds
kaelesin: water-going vehicle
kaimae: to enter
kidai: stony desert
leobysu: to be located, to have
lizre: to attempt
meokema: winter
minyim: transparent, glassy in texture
muzaeryn: building outside
naebe: to leave
naen: final, eventual
naerbol: white
nemem: always
nereo: previous
nyaram: and (used to connect clauses)
nyiro: to wait, to maintain
nyo: story
peode: to search, to look for
pesin: fish
satai: to grab
sem: now, at the same time
rura: to force
ritryn: bird
ryn: bedrock
rynlukae: home
subenyai: however, but
taeyao: man
taoz: large, tall
telaes: shoulder
treo: stand
yadiruai: teacher (female adult)
yaomi: third-person masculine-adult singular pronoun.
yimi:  third-person animal singular pronoun.
yitusreo: to wish well, to greet, to say goodbye.
zaitri: to be (used to connect nouns)
zedai: to hold
zusi - animal

al-: plural
-ao: masculine-adult gender
-e: object gender
-eo: place-time gender
-i: animal gender
-kul: indirect object
-laemi: away from
-laero: towards
-myl: made of
-naim: posessive
-ni: on, in
-nao: about
-ril: participle (see grammatical notes for details)
-se: polite positive verb
-sepa: polite negative verb
-yaon: with
-yemi: far from
-yero: close to

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March 13th, 2006
Comments? Suggestions? Corrections? You can drop me a line.