Ring C: 6/11: Escinet

Christian Köttl
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[ Escinet | Smooth English | Orthography | Grammar | Vocabulary ]

<< Kardii Khangaþyagon >>


najèrcod fargolbseca

Lahè! esna plâto klèmseteng hruwig aca, wa fant trazamo tra fret, jufche ma gzanezbespo trawigche teg. teche shortum ezdêsto ma shèrca gza teloksang. wa turum eskâm buzheca helsa dadunjeso eltot fantod. ke teche egdar wrêhiwo jolgche, ke fantum plapoto cish gzambde zlog.

Lahè! zhurum gzante bîg murche dêldo ma. Mâm lalegho gzanezbes shorca ezwângche. Egdarum telhazo frohlòncni. eskâm braboko pinch freca ur mag dahu, a esna plâto klèmseteng, ke eska sreko gza monceg fanca, jufche mâm naltespo ke dzemespo zlo. short gzanezbo.

Lahè! pormat cah, ris nêzbe, eskâd.

Smooth Translation

To chase away the pain of snowtime

Look! It is a too cold month of the year; a boy walks through a garden, because he wants to reach a place on its other side. A carriage waits (there) to bring him to university. A big cat of reddish yellow colour sits down on the boy¹s shoulder. There, the animal balances in a skilful way, while the boy tries to get it away from him.

Look! Afterwards, worry creeps into him slowly - he knows that the carriage will arrive soon. The animal could cause trouble. The cat tries to touch a wall of the garden in front of it with a paw, but it is too cold, and the cat crawls into the boy¹s bag, because it wants to hide and comfort itself.

Look! An interesting day ahead for the cat.


Two notes: Two  neighbouring vowels are
contracted: The first one is lengthened, the
second one is disappearing. Endings whose vowel
is marked with brackets lose their vowel without
lengthending of the preceding one. Generally,
sounds of affixes marked with brackets are purely
If two similar consonants would appear in a row,
only one of them is written. Thus, teloksan-ni
becomes teloksani. Beware, /ts/ is always written
"c", even if it is the result of additional


Escinet is a ergative-absolutive language with 
S-V-O word order. Since its nouns are marked with 
case endings, word order is not very strict.  
Adjectives come before the noun they describe.

Nouns are marked with cases. In this text, the following cases appear:
The absolutive (no suffix in the singular, -ni in 
the plural) which is used for objects in 
transitive sentences and the subject in 
intransitive sentences.
The ergative (ending -um) for the subject of transitive sentences.
The genetive (suffix -sa) marks attributes
The dative (ending -od) if something  is done for 
someone, in his favour or it is a goal. A dative 
can also mark the possessor of something.
The temporalis or locative (ending -(e)g) is used 
for spatial or temporal expressions, i.e. how 
long is something going on or where do I come 
from etc.
The instrumental case (ending -(w)u) marks 
something that was used to achieve the described 
The adverbial case (-che) is used to transform 
nouns or adjectives in adverbs; some can be used 
as conjunctions as well.

Compounds are formed by combining roots. The last
root is the determined one, the earlier roots the 

Adjectives use the same case declensions as 
nouns. The elative has the ending -eng and is 
used if something is "very Š" or "too Š".

Verbs are marked for mood, evidentiality and 
aspect. In the text, the following affixes appear:

-è imperative mood
-haz potientialis mood: a likely action (i can do sthg.)
-esp optative mood: a desired action ( i want to do sthg.)
modal endings come directly after the word root

-o evidential ending: this marks something one
tells although one does not know it firsthand, 
i.e. someone told him.
-be evidential ending: something the speaker has 
witnessed himself, or he is so sure of it as if
he had witnessed it himself.
Evidential endings come always last.

Ca: reduplication for perfect action, i.e. it has 
happened but its effects are still noticeable. 
The reduplication works this way: You doube the 
first consonant of the word and insert an "a" in 
between, e.g. shert > shashert
Co: infix for inchoative action, i.e. it begins 
or is just to begin, or I try to do it. The infix
works this way: You take the first consonant and, 
insert it after the vowel of the word root, 
followed by an "o", e.g. shert > sheshort
ê: for durative action, that is action that is 
ongoing for a while, the vowel of the word root 
is lengthenend.

Deverbal nouns can be formed by adding -s to the 
root and changing the vowel: e becomes è, a 
becomes ò.

esna-construction: esna + plat is frequently used 
as dummy phrase, like "there is" or "it is".


a but
ac year
bis this, this one (demonstrative pronoun)
brak to touch
bset pain
buzhet reddish
cah day
cish that one (demonstrative pronoun)
dah paw
deld to creep, to fall, to overcome
dunjes to sit down on sthg.; to take place, to take a seat
dzem ro care, to caress, to comfort, to stroke
egdar beast, animal
eltot shoulder
eska cat
esna it
ezdest to wait for
ezwa next, near
fant boy
far snow
fret garden, wood
frohlònc trouble
gol time
gza towards, to, in + locative
gzambde away (preposition + locative)
gzanezb to arrive
gzante after, back from
hel yellow (noun)
hruwig month
jolg art
juf a cause, a reason
klèmset cold (adj.)
ke and
ke - ke while, Š
lah look, see
legh to see, to get accustomed to, to learn about
ma he
monc bag, satchel
mur slow
najert to chase away, to frighten off intentionally
nalt to hide, to lock away
nezb to come
pinch wall
plat to give, to happen, to have
pormat interesting, enticing
ris relative pronoun
shert to transport, to transfer, to carry
short carriage
srek to crawl, to creep
te place
tel make, produce, weave
teloksan university
tra through, across (preposition + absolutive)
trazam walk
trawigt on the other side, opposite of (adjective)
tur great, big, large
ur before, in front of (preposition + locative)
wa one, a certain
wrehiw to balance, to maintain balance
zlo oneself (demonstrative pronoun)
zhur worry, fear

<< Kardii Khangaþyagon >>



March 20th, 2006
Comments? Suggestions? Corrections? You can drop me a line.