Ring C: 7/11: Khangaþyagon
Pete Bleackley
kirato arrag harrasuz
a! þemolip harreikhimip sura'uz, bæging yeks tullagu, parushilaug u sloning
yi dirrimo zhelbanorræksam. zhelbanut nawnihang vetrem yi, garwo yi
þanturnewtrelgam. teznifœng mihyu mœza hrabklo babruebgri yeksuz.
halbanutgu u lalamihang sansklwanihang gravd, þinoshinguf yeks analol.
a! halbanðen omtaping lansawaning virron yi. iðuzhing yi vetrem yiiss.
apolwi gravd galguneshar. loreming mihyu agreno yap tulla'uz yituk remmaol,
shosh mœzawaning harredahing de, beb sissing mihyu hobipam yeksuz,
bengilaug u sloning yi gwendo beb drisodo. angling vetrem.
a! dahikh belil bel bastil mihyuaug.
To Chase Away the Pain of Winter
Behold! In the coldest month of the year, a boy walked through a
garden, because he wanted to reach the far side of it. There, a
carriage was awaiting him, to take him to university. A great
red-yellow cat had sat on the boy's shoulder. While the beast balanced
skillfully, the boy was entranced with joy.
Behold! After this, fear slowly attacked him. He saw the carriage near
him. The beast might cause problems. The cat began to touch the wall
of the garden, but it was very cold, and the cat crawled into the
boy's bag, because it wanted to hide and comfort itself. The carriage
Behold! Today will be an interesting day for the cat.
The apostrophe used in the romanisation means nothing other than "this is
not a digraph".
VSO. Agglutinating. Adjectives follow the nouns they qualify, and agree
with them. Predicative adjectives compound with the verb. Adverbs agree
with the verb they qualify. Roots compound in head last order within words.
(ie qualifier-specifier) However, grammatical affixes are suffixes (segunakar)
Nouns may be followed by segunakar of six ranks. Each rank has a particular
grammatical role. They are specified in the order they occur following the
modsegunakar (1st rank) Deiexis
il - this
ban - that
densegunakar (2nd rank) Proximity
Indicates how closely associated the think qualified by the
proximity-marked noun is with the thing specified by the proximity-marked noun.
ut - at
eb - in contact with
iss - near
orr - far
radsegunakar (3rd rank) Relative position
ip - in
gri - above
æks - alligned with
tuk - in front of, before
ðen - behind, beyond
karvsegunakar (4th rank) Sense of motion
am - to
gu - by (route)
sintsegunakar (5th rank) Abstract relationships
uz - of
ol - by (instrumental)
ung - for (benefactive)
aug - for (goal)
bantsegunak (6th rank) number
(a)r - plural
Verbs may be followed by the following segunakar
Person/infinitive/participles (obligatory)
a 1p
e 2p
i 3p
o infinitive
on/ont Present participle. For many verbs this has the sense of an agent
noun. If the sense normal for the verb is not the one required, the present
participle compounds with another nouns to form the required sense.
d+reduplication of person affix
Continuous aspect
Perfect aspect
Unmarked - present
ng - past
kh - future
uf - passive
Not used in this passage
Not used in this passage
(a)r Plural
Adjectives may be marked for five degrees of comparison of which two occur
in this passage
ikhim - superlative
Positive is unmarked.
These segunakar precede noun agreement or verb compounding.
Derivational affixes
l - forms adjectives from nouns in the sense of "Characterised by".
wan - forms adverbs from adjectives in the senso of "in such a manner".
nesh - forms abstract nouns from adjectives.
These are given in the order of the Bukhstav, Khangaþyagon's native script.
babru (n) shoulder
basti (n) interesting thing
beb (conj) and
beng (n) reason
bæg- (v) walk
u (conj) such that
sura (n) year
sansk (n) skill
siss- (v) crawl
slon- (v) desire
tulla (n) garden
tezn- (v) sit
a (interjection) commanding attention
ap- (v) make
arrag (n) pain
anal (n) joy
agren- (v) touch
angl- (v) arrive
vetrem (n) carriage
virr- (v) fear
parusk (n) purpose
omtap- (v) attack
olw- (v) might
harras (n) winter
harre (adj) cold
hal (n) time
hob (n) bag
hrab (adj) red
dah- (v) be
de (pr) alternative 3p pronoun used when repeating yi would cause an
ambiguity between two referents.
dirrim- (v) reach
dris- (v) comfort
mihyu (n) cat
mœza (adj) great
þantur- (v) learn
þemol (n) month
þinosh- (v) entrance
shosh (conj) but
remma (n) paw
relg (n) house
iðuzh- (v) see
kirat- (v) chase away.
klo (adj) yellow
nawn- (v) await
newt- (v) work
zhel (n) place
lansa (adj) slow
lorem- (v) begin
garw- (v) take
galgu (adj) difficult
gravd (n) beast
gwend- (v) hide
y+person ending (see verbs) (pr) personal pronouns
yap (n) wall
yeks (n) boy
wiþ- (v) have