Ring B: 19/20: mabri

Clayton Cardoso
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[ mabri | Smooth English | Grammar | Vocabulary ]

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chiwaba mwon kimwosho ga chote ga to-Malero.

podo doproku du gri, lato glun. lato kihan haba du suku gachi chiwaku gahri dyamre. podo ni, to-Malero blufyakichin kluvrewa du zahuku hwa du zaku, hwa lato an. vyaba flakun pochi chotritegyo ga lato, hwa to zyan poki lamu yakun. hwalyuku ku pren. po chwiku, lato gro sun kluvrewa. zezyafya bwehrachoten lato, lato glun. podo ka, kluvrewa yan povru chiwaba.

Smooth Translation

The ocean tells a story about the hand of Malero. Last winter he was happy. His home was at an external big house in a stony desert. Malero always looked for a white transparent ship, and he waited. A big bird stood on his shoulder, and the man made the bird leave, but it didn't take. With fear, he got on the ship. The teacher greeted him with the hand, he was happy. Now the ship travels the ocean.



In compound words (i.e., polysyllabic), the head comes before the tag (computer (chu) science (de) is "dechu" and not *"chude").


1) word order: SVO; modifiers follow the noun; use of prepositions
instead of postpositions.
2) noun: do not decline as to number, gender or definiteness.
3) verb: do not vary as to tense, person or number; aspect is
marked by auxiliary verbs or other particles.
4) adjectival meanings: achieved by verbs or prepositional phrases.
5) adverbial meanings: achieved by prepositional phrases.


1) Syntactic constructs

-ba (suffix) augmentative.
du (prep) -y; introduces an adjectival phrase.
po (prep) -ly; introduces an adverbial phrase.
gro (particle) changes the following verb from stative to dynamic: nun
(sleeps), gro nun (falls asleep); fyan (knows), gro fyan (learns).

2) Dictionary entries

an (verb) waits.
blufyakichin (verb) looks for, tries to know the location of.
bwehrachoten (verb) shakes hands with.
chiwa (noun) body of water.
chiwaku (noun) desert, place of drought.
chote (noun) hand.
chotritegyo (noun) shoulder, part of the body above the arm.
chwiku (noun) fear; po chwiku (noun) with fear.
doproku (noun) winter, time of cold.
dyamre (noun) stone.
flakun (verb) stands, is vertical.
ga (prep) of.
gachi (prep) in, at, on.
gahri (prep) made of.
glun (verb) is happy.
gri (noun) past; du gri (adjectival phrase) past, previous.
ha (noun) house, home.
hwa (conj) and.
hwalyuku (conj) but.
ka (noun) this; podo ka (adverbial phrase) now.
kihan (verb) dwells, lives, inhabits.
kimwosho (noun) story, description of an event.
kluvrewa (noun) ship, machine of transport in water.
ku (adverb) not, doesn't.
lamu (pronoun) it, that animal.
lato (pronoun) he, him.
mwon (verb) describes, tells.
ni (noun) all, everything; podo ni (adverbial phrase) always.
pochi (prep) in, at, on.
podo (prep) during, in, at.
povru (prep) through.
poki (conj) that.
pren (verb) takes.
suku (noun) outside area; du suku (adjectival phrase) outer, exterior.
sun (verb) is inside of; gro sun (verb) enters.
to (noun) man, male person.
to- (prefix) male person.
vya (noun) bird.
yakun (verb) leaves, goes away.
yan (verb) goes, travels.
zahuku (noun) whiteness, color of cleanness; du zahuku (adjectival
phrase) white.
zaku (noun) transparency, colorlessness; du zaku (adjectival phrase)
zezyafya (noun) teacher, person who causes to know.
zyan (verb) causes, makes happen.

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March 13th, 2006
Comments? Suggestions? Corrections? You can drop me a line.