Ring B: 12/20: Silindion
Elliott Lash
Id mië, myentár i vurma Amalirotma, i yumo. Ahwili liu
i mirnanol në kayanë ess, sinë yumo máldëa ë. Nerenë
Amaliro tormavi palmandë meravi ini narnán. Në erë
mirnolmán më lëoro, ropranë Amaliro në tilinë
laikrimán lehyatma imunka.
Emë falóphinya amisti surnoli. Assinansi i yumo
ilmaliello i narín einë amalyë ess. Reitananë i nari
falornanya yumovi lëovissa, idornavi, assilu ein i
lehyo-krimán lirólinya iniska.
Ië i yumo miyáindëa niskatma krimari liroli, në
nottomaita, akareksi Amaliro sëonya raimë, vë irana i
phalméin. Në ahumio i nola palmari në ië máldëa i
krimari eskenenma.
"This is the story of Amaliro*, the youth. Winter had
come and gone and so the youth was happy. He lived in
a walled-tower in a field beside the sea. And
throughout that long winter Amaliro looked out and
would see a white ice-like ship sailing.
Upon his shoulder a little black bird sat. The youth
tried to make the bird move but it did not move. The
bird was gripping the shoulder of the youth when at
last he saw the ice-ship of his teacher approaching.
He was nervous at the approach of the teacher's ship,
but nevertheless, Amaliro reached out his hand in
greeting, holding onto the walls. And the coldness of
the wall soothed him and Amaliro was happy when the
ship came to shore."
*note: Amaliro is the nickname of Elvoros, the son of
philosopher-king Nossanë. The nickname is derived from
<ama: at side of> and <liro: teacher>, that is someone
who sits at the side of the teacher, a <disciple> or
<student>. Nossanë was known for his fondness of the
sea and for sailing. This story seemed to be a
distortion of a popular legend in Silindion, so I sort
of directed my translation in that direction.
In Silindion, the combination a+i becomes _ei_ or
In Silindion, the combinations ei+e or ë+e, or
vice-versa become _ie_.
In Silindion, the combination n+n becomes a single _n_
when found before another consonant.
In Silindion, the combination d+s becomes a single _s_
when found after another consonant.
Lenition: (mostly after definite article and augment)
f > hw
t > ss
p > ph
nominative: no ending, <subject and appositive>
accusative: -n, -na (on some consonant nouns),
genitive: -ri, -li <of, 's>
instrumental: -u <by, out of>
locative: -vi, -phi <in, at, on>
topical: -tma, -ma (with some consonant stens),
<about, concerning, similar-to>
essive: -i, <as, it is Y>
copular: -r, <X = Y>
adjectival: -ëa <forms adjective from noun>
plural: -i
Present: thematic: -V- (where V is a vowel) +
endings (-n 3 person singular)
Past: augment a-, suffix: -i, -si, -ë. The stem ë-
<be> is unaugmented in the past.
Imperfect: -V-në
Subjunctive Past: augment a-, suffix: -u (used
after certain conjunctions)
Infinitive: -yello
Gerund: -na (metathesis occurs in some stems ending
with a stop). The gerund suffix loses the initial _n_
after consonant combination. Stems ending in vowels
add the suffix directly, as do n-stems. Sometimes the
suffix appears as –nd- or –n- before case suffixes.
Conjunctive Gerund: i- + gerund, used to express
circumstantial and simultaneous clauses.
Past Participle: -dë
Perfect: past + perfective particle
-nya <his>
-o <him>
Used as a bare stem, the verb ë- <be>, may be used
as an emphatic verb, emphasizing the subject. It is
placed AFTER the predicate in this case and means <is>
or <was>.
In square brackets show notes about usage
and differences in morphonemic stems
Amaliro [name] Son of a famous Philosopher, disciple
ama by the side of
ë- be
ein he, she, it
einë but not
emë on, upon
erë during, throughout
eskenen- come to shore
ess it
falos shoulder [falo-, falor-]
fil- come
hum- calm, soothe
i the
id see, behold, this
idornavi at last
ilmalya- make move
ini beside, near
kareK- reach out
këa[n]- leave [past stem kayan-]
krima ship
lai- white [prefix]
lehya ice
lëoro long [of duration]
lëovissa when [conjunction]
liro teacher
liu [perfect particle]
máldëa happy
malya- move
më this, that, there is
mera field, meadow
mië now, there was
mirnanol winter [mirnanolma-]
mist- sit
miyaina anxiety [miyaind-]
muK- sail
myenta this [demonstrative pronoun]
nari bird
narna sea
në and, but
ner- dwell
nisk- approach
nola cold
nottomaita other side, nevertheless
palma wall
palman- wall [verb]
ra- hold
raima greeting
reitan- grasp
ropar- watch over [ropr-]
sëo hand
sinë and so
surnoli little black bird
til- see
tinand- try, test
torma tower
vë as
vurma story, tale, yarn
yumo youth, young man