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Ring A: 3/18: Wenedyk
Jan van Steenbergen
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Czartanu dziemanu en dzieczębrzu, surkętrarz staceni autobusu,
pociem widziar iła szczana.
Fil, kwały owiamięć je en ryci o szkoła, sta prze szepi gardzinu,
jajęć sur szpatła krosy, rubry kotuń. Bieszcza pierzytamięć
cenie swa jekwilibra, ściępu kędy fil cięta łu dzieożdar dzie
siej. Stawiecz widziem komód ił kociwiecz płu kadzie en panika,
nąk szcze, kód przędzej rzejalemięć ja ownier autobus. Uta nił
nie tarbła kotu. Wyna wiecz ił łoka wyna łapa sur szep, maż
wiżyblemięć jęwienie łą trów wrzyda, dąk rzetra łą sur
drosarz szkołarzu. Przecizamięć kędy ił si fieczy kmód, wienie
Połu dzej kotu dziewniewa oprzymu wiortablemięć interesęci.
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On a certain morning in December, opposite a bus stop, we can see
this scene.
A boy, who obviously is on his way to school, stands before a garden
fence, having a fat, red tom-cat on his shoulder. The animal
skillfully maintains its balance, while the boy is trying to shake it
off. Now we see how he starts to panic more and more, since he knows
that the bus should be coming very soon indeed. But nothing disturbs
the cat. One time, it places one paw on the fence, but apparently
finds it too cold, so that it pulls it back and puts it on the
schoolboy's backpack. One the very moment when it has made itself
comfortable, the bus comes.
Only after that, the cat's day became really interesting.
Wenedyk has undergone quite some significant changes during the last
few months. If you're not certain about a word, you can of course
peek on my pages, but I have to warn you that they are terribly out
of date.
Anyway, the number of nominal forms you'll encounter in this text is
fairly limited.
*** NOUNS ***
Wenedyk has no articles.
There are three cases: the direct case, the genitive and the dative.
The direct case is both nominative and accusative. The genitive
indicates possession, of course, but also serves as an accusative for
male persons. The genitive case is also used in adverbial
constructions (wynu dzeju "one day"), and for the object in negative
The forms in the glossary are given in the direct case. In general,
the ending |-u| indicates a masculine genitive, the ending |-i| a
feminine genitive or dative. Good for you, this text contains no
Adjectives agree in number, gender and case with the noun they
modify. They can be placed before and after it.
The forms given in the glossary are masculine, direct case, singular.
The basic ending is |-y| (|-i| after palatalised consonants). Forms
on |-u| are gen.m.sg., forms on |-a| dir.f.sg.
An adjective can be adverbialised in two ways: either by using the
suffix -mięć, or by removing the ending |-y|.
*** PRONOUNS ***
Personal pronouns are the only place where nominative and accusative
have survived. Basically, the forms are:
* masculine singular "he":
ił - nom.
łu - gen./acc.
* feminine singular "she":
ła - nom.
łą - acc.
* reflexive "him-/herself":
siej - gen.
si - dat.
*** VERBS ***
Infinitives always end in |-r|. Other forms you'll encounter are the
-ęć: present participle
-em: present tense, 1st person plural
-a/-e: present tense, 3rd person singular
-wa: imperfect tense, 3rd person singular
-i/-y: perfect tense, 3rd person singular
Prepositions can govern one or more cases. Often, prepositions of
place indicate a static location with the genitive ("in") and a
direction with the direct case ("into").
The capitalised words are the Latin etymologies, translations are
between quotes. In a few cases, I omitted both.
autobus (m.)
bieszcza (f.) < BESTIA
cenie -- * See: |tnier|
ciętar (v.) < TEMPTARE
czartany (adj.) < CERTANUS
dąk (adv.) "so, thus, therefore" (< DUMQUAM)
drosarz (m.) "backpack" (< DORSUM + -ARIUS)
dzej (m.) < DIES
dzie (prep.) < DE
dzieczębierz (m.) < DECEMBER
dzieman, -u (m.) "morning"
dzieożdar (v.) < DE + AGITARE
dziewnier (v.) < DEVENIRE
en (prep.) < IN
fieczy < FECIT
fil (m.) < FILIUS
gardzin (m.) < HORTUS GARDINUS
ił, iła (pron.dem.) < ILLE
ił, ła (pron.pers.) < ILLE
interesęci (adj.)
iwrzan (m.) < HIBERNUS
ja < HABET
jajęć < HABENS
je < EST
jekwilibra (f.) < EQUILIBRIUM
jęwnier (v.) "to find" (< INVENIRE)
kadzier (v.) < CADERE
kędy (conj.) < QUANDO
kętra (prep.) < CONTRA
kmody (adj.) < COMMODUS
kociwiecz "more and more" (< QUOTI- + VICEM)
komód (adv.) < QUOMODO
kot (m.) < CATTUS
kotuń (m.) "tom-cat" (< *CATTONEM)
kód (conj.) < QUOD
krosy (adj.) < CRASSUS
kwały (pron.rel.) < QUALIS
łapa (f.) "paw" (< Slavic)
łą -- * See |ił, ła|
łokar (v.) < LOCARE
łu -- * See |ił|
maż (conj.) "and, but" (< MAGIS)
mód (m.) < MODUS
nąk (conj.) "because" (< NUMQUAM)
nie (adv.) < NE
nił (pron.ind.) < NIHIL
o (prep.) < AD
oprzymu (adv.) "only, as late as that" (< AD + PRIMUS)
owi (adj.) < OBVIUS
ownier (v.) < ADVENIRE
panika (f.)
pierzyty (adj.) "skillful, capable, handy" (< PERITUS)
płu (adv.) < PLUS
pocier (v.) < *POTERE < POSSE
połu (adv.) < POST ILLO
prze (prep.) < PRAE
przecizy (adj.) < PRAECISUS
przędzej (adv.) "very soon" (< PERENDIE)
rubry (adj.) < RUBER
ryta (f.) < RUTA
rzejalemięć (adv.) "indeed" (< REALIS + -MENTE)
rzejały (adj.) < REALIS
rzetrar (v.) < RETRAHERE
si, siej (pron.refl.) < SE, SIBI
staceń (f.) < STATIO
star (v.) < STARE
stawiecz (adv.) "now" (< ISTAM VICEM)
sur (prep.) < SUPER
surkętrarz (prep.) "opposite" (< SUPER CONTRARIUS)
swa (pron.poss.) < SUA
szczana (f.) < SCAENA
szczer (v.) < SCIRE
szep (f.) < SAEPES
szkoła (f.) < SCHOLA
szkołarz (m.) < SCHOLARIUS
szpatła (f.) "shoulder" < SPATULA
ściępu kędy (conj.) < SUB TEMPORE QUANDO
tarbłar (v.) < TURBULARE
tnier (v.) < TENERE
trów (adv.) "too"
trzyścieca (f.) < TRISTITIA
uta (conj.) "but" (< AUTEM + TAMEN)
widziar (v.) < VIDERE
wiecz (f.) "time" (German: "-mal") (< VICEM)
wienie -- * See |wnier|
wiortabły (adj.) < VERITABILIS
wiżybły (adj.) "apparently, obviously" (< VISIBILIS)
wnier (v.) < VENIRE
wrzydy (adj.) < FRIGIDUS
wyn (num.) < UNUS
acc. -- accusative case
adj. -- adjective
adv. -- adverb
conj. -- conjunction
dat. -- dative case
dir. -- direct case
f. -- feminine
gen. -- genitive case
m. -- masculine
nom. -- nominative case
num. -- numeral
prep. -- preposition
pron.dem. -- demonstrative pronoun
pron.ind. -- indefinite pronoun
pron.pers. -- personal pronoun
pron.poss. -- possessive pronoun
pron.refl. -- reflexive pronoun
pron.rel. -- relative pronoun
sg. -- singular
v. -- verb