Ring B: 14/20: Kēlen
Sylvia Sotomayor
senne þō jatāen xiēn jē mamōīñ mālero cī;
il anīlcīlri il tema anālne mo mamōīñ sahāla;
te jamāra nīkamma ja la jakōnōr jakīþa sū jatapāñ sū anālhāri nō;
luhañen tema jahēra jalō ñe anēlki mo λimālero sarōña;
ñi jattīrrīñ sū sañāma;
ē ōrra ñamma jatū rājapēxa ā mamōīñ cēja ew wā ñi jatū rānahan;
il ōrra ñamma jatū jaþāla ā mamōīñ sakū
il tema sāen jē mattūtōn jahēramma mo sarōña;
ē tema ankewūna mo λimālero sīra to ñi mattūtōnēma jahēramma rājanō
ewaþ ñamma jalāna ā mamōīñ sakū
ī tema anālne to ñi jahēra rā jahāwekien;
Let us (experience) this tale about a young man mālero.
During winter, the young man felt happiness in his breast.
His dwelling-place was a stone tower on a fallow field near the sea.
Mālero was looking repeatedly for a ship white like ice.
An attīrrīñ* (became) on his shoulder.
The young man tried to make the flyer go away
but the flyer didn't go anywhere.
The young man had grasped the flyer with his hand
when he saw his teacher's ship.
Mālero felt anxiety in his back from the approach of his teacher's ship,
and yet the young man made a greeting with his hand
and he felt happiness from the approach of the ship to the shore.
*a flying reptilic predator, about the size of a crow or raven.
Damn, I forgot the repeating 'during winter' phrase.
Also, Kēlen usually requires an experience to be felt in the corresponding body
part. So, experiencing happiness in one's breast or anxiety in one's back is the
default way of saying that someone was happy or anxious. Also, experiencing
something with one's eyes means one sees something.
Noun Phrase Structure:
Nouns in juxtaposition with the same inflection refer to the same entity
Nouns in juxtaposition with different infections refer to different entities,
usually with a WHOLE PART relationship, or with a GENERAL SPECIFIC relationship.
(Possesion or association is insufficient to define a different inflection)
Peripheral Phrase Structure: [[PHRASE-MARKER OBJECT] (PHRASAL-MODIFIER)]
Any OBJECT can be in turn another phrase or clause. Parenthesis in the above
structures denote an optional item. Mood is never optional, however, declarative
mood is a null.
Punctuation: a semi-colon denotes a complete clause.
Noun Structure: [prefix-Noun-suffix]
an- prefix for stative or collective nouns
ja- prefix for inanimate nouns
λi- proper name marker (not always obligatory)
ma- prefix for animate nouns
sa- 3p prefix for inalienably possessed nouns
-0 generic suffix
-a generic suffix
-e generic suffix
-i plural or collective suffix
LA takes a single object: something that exists in a state or a location. Can be
inflected for tense.
NI takes a single object: something that has undergone a change of state or
location. Can be inflected for animate agent.
NI [OBJECT] LOC denotes motion of the object
SE takes a single object: something that has a source and/or a goal. Can be
inflected for tense, animate source, and/or animate goal.
la LA
ñ(i) NI
s(e) SE
te past tense of LA
t(e) past tense of SE
-amma 3p.sg.agent or 3p.sg.source
-ma 3p.sg.goal
-nne 1p.inclusive.paucal.goal
ā agent peripheral phrase marker
-ālhār- 'ocean, sea'
-āln- 'happiness, smile'
-amma 3p associative suffix, connecting an inanimate with an animate
-ēlk- 'ice'
-ēma 3p associative suffix, connecting an animate with another
cēja 'can, able' (clausal modifier)
cī commissive mood marker
ē 'and' a (sometimes coordinating) conjunction
ew 'and not, but' a (sometimes coordinating) conjunction
ewaþ 'and yet' a (sometimes coordinating) conjunction
-hāl- 'front, chest, breast'
-hāwekien- 'shore'
-hēr- 'ship'
ī 'and also' a (sometimes coordinating) conjunction
il 'when, then, during' a (sometimes coordinating) conjunction
-īlcīlr- 'winter'
-īr- 'back, following'
ja inanimate subjunctive or relative pronoun
-ja- null object
jē associative [N1 jē N2], associating animate N2 with animate N1
where N2 is associated with N1.
-kewūn- 'anxious, anxiety'
-kīþ- 'stone'
-kōnōr- 'tower'
-kū- 'hand'
-lān- 'greeting'
-lō- 'light, white, bright'
luhañen iterative clausal modifier
mālero a proper name
-mār- 'house, dwelling-place'
mo goal peripheral phrase marker
-mōīñ- 'boy, young man'
nīk- associative prefix, connects an animate N1 with an inanimate N2,
nō 'near, next to' phrasal modifier (can occur as a suffix)
-ñām- 'shoulder(s)'
ñe equative 'same, like' [N1 ñe N2]
ōrra past-tense clausal modifier
pēxa 'away, far' phrasal modifier (can occur as a suffix)
rā allative peripheral phrase marker (can occur as a prefix)
rānahan indefinite pronoun
-rōñ- 'eye(s)'
sāen 3p.sg
sū locative peripheral phrase marker (can occur as a prefix)
-tāen- 'tale, story'
-tapāñ- 'fallow field'
to inanimate source peripheral phrase marker
-ttīrrīñ- a flying reptilic predator, approx the size of a raven or crows
-ttūtōn- 'teacher'
-tū- 'something that flies'
-þāl- 'something taken, seized, held'
þō definite demonstrative, 'this, here, the'
wā negative clausal modifier
xiēn jē 'regarding, concerning, about' [N1 xiēn jē N2]