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Ring B: 15/22: Wenedyk |
Jan van Steenbergen | ||
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<< gjâ-zym-byn | Gaajan >> |
WenedykURACEŃ PRO FIEMNIE I MOSZKŁU, KWALI WOŁĄ SIE SZPUZAR Porłać ile porule o Dzieju jęsiem:
"Gratłamy po bieltać en nosz tutór.
Kętamy dzie łynie i ściołar, kwale nosz iłymnię en noce. En iłu momentu nu olewamy man, o onórz Dzieju, prokód si Ił now dar nacie.
Pro bonu nostru omorze jewniu, nu kętamy:
Kwierzmy, kód fat iłór dwór ludziór si flicz. |
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Smooth TranslationPRAYER FOR A WOMAN AND A MAN, WHO WANT TO GET MARRIED Speak out these words to God together:
"We thank you for the beauty in all of us.
We sing about the moon and the stars, which illuminate us in the night. In this moment we hold up our hand, for the glory of God, so that he will give us children.
For the good of our young love, we sing:
We ask that the fate of these two people be happy. |
To tell you the truth, I'm a bit in a hurry. Besides, since Wenedyk is quite an ordinary romlang, it probably won't be necessary to delve too deeply into the grammar. So let me just give you some basic endings:
Noun endings
-ar | feminine genitive pl. |
-e | masculine/feminine genitive sg. |
-e | direct case pl. |
-ór | masculine genitive pl. |
-u | masculine genitive sg. |
Adjectival endings
-e | feminine/neutral plural |
-i | masculine/epicene plural |
-iej | feminine genitive singular |
-ór | masculine genitive plural |
-u | masculine genitive singular |
Verbal endings
-a, -e | 3rd person singular, present tense |
-ą, -ę | 3rd person plural |
-ć | 2nd person plural, imperative |
-my | 1st person plural, present tense |
-"emy | 1st person plural, perfect tense |
bieltać (f.) | beauty |
bieniewkęć (adj.) | beneficent, doing well |
bony (adj.) | good |
botwala (f.) | battle, fight |
dar (v.) | to give |
dwu (num.) | two |
dzej (m.) | day |
dziefiędzier (v.) | to defend |
dzie (prep.) | from, of; about |
Dzieju ---> Dziew | |
Dziew (m.) | God |
en (prep.) | in, into |
faczer (v.) | to make, to do |
fat (n.) | fate, destiny |
fliczy (adj.) | happy |
fiemnia (f.) | woman |
frocieca (f.) | power, strength |
gratłar (v.) | to thank |
grędzi (adj.) | big, great |
i (conj.) | and; also, too |
ił (pron.pers.) | he |
ił (pron.dem.) | this, these |
iłymniar (v.) | to enlighten, to illuminate |
jałtry (adj.) | other |
jarz (m.) | air |
jewni (adj.) | young |
jębu (num.) | both |
jęsiem (adv.) | together |
kałórz (m.) | warmth, heat |
kąp (m.) | field |
kąttać (f.) | quantity, amount |
kętar (v.) | to sing |
komód (adv.) | how, like, as well as |
kód (conj.) | that |
kód (pron.interr.) | what |
ku (prep.) | with |
kukurydza (f.) | corn, maize |
kwały (pron.rel.) | who, which |
kwierzer (v.) | to ask, to request |
lecieca (f.) | joy |
ludzie (m.pl.) | people |
łór (pron.pers.) | their |
łu (pron.pers.) | it |
łymię (n.) | light |
łyna (f.) | moon |
magnolia (f.) | magnolia |
man (m.) | hand |
moment (m.) | moment |
moszkieł (m.) | man |
nat (m.) | child |
noc (f.) | night |
nostry (pron.poss.) | our |
nosz (pron.pers.) | us |
now (pron.pers.) | us (dat.) |
nu (pron.pers.) | we |
o (prep.) | to, at, onto, towards |
odyczer (v.) | to bring |
olewar (v.) | to lift up |
omórz (m.) | love |
onórz (m.) | honour |
ownięca (f.) | future |
parfędzier (v.) | to pour over, to overwhelm |
po (prep.) | after; for |
pocier (v.) | can, to be able |
porłar (v.) | to speak |
poruła (f.) | word |
pro (prep.) | for, in favour of |
prokód (conj.) | in order to, so that |
protar (prep.) | because of |
rzekiełtar (v.) | to harvest |
sany (adj.) | healthy |
si ---> szer (subjunctive) | |
sie (pron.refl.) | oneself |
szer (v.) | to be |
szpuzar (v.) | to marry, to wed |
ścioła (f.) | star |
tuty (adj.) | whole, entire; (pl.) all |
uraceń (m) | prayer |
w (adv.) | optative particle |
wąbra (f.) | shadow |
więt (m.) | wind |
wlar (v.) | to want |
wołą ---> wlar | |
wyn (num.) | one |
<< gjâ-zym-byn | Gaajan >> |