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Conlang Relay 14: Ring B |
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[ Relay 14 | Horizontally | Ring A | Ring C | Toki Pona | Participants | Conlangs ] |
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Kash – Roger Mills | Smooth English |
HAMBIYAÇ ALO OLAMAYI CETRE (PART 1) [titanju mandil yaveleto mesa çendere kendulan re yu memende yarungarona, i çender ya yañurundo ri hendiñ çenderi liya, yarungotato lusok mandilin:] mam [aran] mandu hate [aran] maçeret alo lerowi tayu tayanju çelum, pun ri anjuçni ambinda iti andulañ, pun ri leroç londo lero londo ripa, kavan kravan, andoye andeçe, i mikasito mifarekto ri vunuweni angayimim velu, yunda-yunda vakep çumesa ri haniyumbim i eningambrim. sañ hate mamepunduñ sisami eçurami ri yuno leroç amaraç. [i çender liya yameputo yakotato kuwani] (PART 2) [titanju yakotato mandil:] ara mihimaçema. [i yunoni re uritan ikotato iti irinjurato:]
amalero pakrunjanga ri angayini, |
PORTIONS OF THE MARRIAGE CEREMONY (PART 1) [Now the priest will give a golden chain that he has just blessed, to one of the candidates, and the candidate will place it on the neck of the other candidate, and recite after the priest:] I [name] bind myself to you [name] from this day forward, whether in times of happiness or sadness, whether in days (full) of sun or rain, in good health or bad, wealth or poverty, and we will set forth on the course of our new life, always bound and united in soul and body. Thus I pledge to you my love and honor forever. [And the other candidate will do and recite the same] (PART 2) [Now the priest will say:] Let us pray to/call upon/ the Spirits [And everyone in attendance will say or sing:]
Father Sun, shine upon their life, |
[ Full Description | Grammar | Vocabulary ]
Þrjótrunn – Henrik Theiling | Smooth English |
Séttjó á rít nyptur (Pars ú) Hákur deð saktars spósas eyriköllrirsu tög hef þuð bindétt úst etti, eð spóssis mitt þissuð spæsinis sve, eð þiss rékið kvæsig:] Já, Mörkur, ligust á höði að té, Mer, í þélk eð tríst tjöppri, í sól eð plý, sánur eð jögrur, ríkur eð peypir, eð hefja kyrrir uttur kú ún sól spírt eð ún sól korpur. Já úra að dönn tif ömur mjú eð honur mjú hákur eð itinmett. Eð spæsinsa dík jöklur þissi: Já, Mer, ligust á höði að té, Mörk, í þélk eð tríst tjöppri, í sól eð plý, sán eð jagur, rík eð peypir, eð hefja kyrrir uttur kú ún sól spírt eð ún sól korpur. Já úra að dönn tif ömur mjú eð honur mjú hákur eð itinmett. (Pars dve) Hákur dík saktars: Prökmur nær! Eð onnir pjörni prestir prekið autt kattið kvæsig:
Ör, erttu seppir klárr, |
Section from a Wedding Ceremony (Part One) Now the priest shall give the groom the golden ring which shall just have been blessed, and the groom puts it on his bride, and he shall recite thusly: I, Marcus, bind myself from this day forward to you, Mary, in happy and sad times, in sun and rain, healthy and ill, rich and poor, and will walk together with one single spirit and one single body. I swear to give you my love and my honour, now and in eternity. And the bride will say the same to him: I, Mary, bind myself from this day forward to you, Marcus, in happy and sad times, in sun and rain, healthy and ill, rich and poor, and will walk together with one single spirit and one single body. I swear to give you my love and my honour, now and in eternity. (Part Two) Now the priest shall say: Let us pray! And all present people with pray or sing thusly:
Jupiter, be always clear, |
[ Full Description | Grammar | Vocabulary ]
toki pona – Philip Newton | Smooth English |
wan toki pi kama wan wan pi nanpa wan jan sewi o pana e wawa pona lon linja sike pi anpa lawa pi kiwen jelo. jan sewi o pana e linja sike ni tawa mije. mije o pana e linja sike tawa anpa lawa pi meli sina. mije o toki e ni: mi jan Mako. sina jan Malija. tenpo suno ni la, mi wan poka sina. mi pilin pona la, mi tu li wan. mi pilin ike la, mi tu li wan. suno li seli la, mi tu li wan. telo li kama anpa la, mi tu li wan. sijelo mi li pona la, mi tu li wan. sijelo mi li pakala la, mi tu li wan. mi jo e mani mute la, mi tu li wan. mi jo e mani lili la, mi tu li wan. mi tawa poka sina. mi tu li jo e kon wan taso. mi tu li jo e sijelo wan taso. mi toki awen e ni: mi olin e sina li pali pona tawa sina. tenpo ni la, ni li lon. tenpo ale la, ni li lon. meli o toki sama tawa mije sina. meli kin o toki e ni: mi jan Malija. sina jan Mako. tenpo suno ni la, mi wan poka sina. mi pilin pona la, mi tu li wan. mi pilin ike la, mi tu li wan. suno li seli la, mi tu li wan. telo li kama anpa la, mi tu li wan. sijelo mi li pona la, mi tu li wan. sijelo mi li pakala la, mi tu li wan. mi jo e mani mute la, mi tu li wan. mi jo e mani lili la, mi tu li wan. mi tawa poka sina. mi tu li jo e kon wan taso. mi tu li jo e sijelo wan taso. mi toki awen e ni: mi olin e sina li pali pona tawa sina. tenpo ni la, ni li lon. tenpo ale la, ni li lon. wan pi nanpa tu tenpo ni la jan sewi o toki e ni: mi mute o toki sewi! jan ale o toki sewi anu kalama musi. o toki e ni:
tenpo ale la, jan sewi lawa o lawa e ona tu. |
Text part of a marriage Part one Priest, put positive power into a golden neck chain. Priest, give this chain to the man. Man, put the chain on the neck of your woman. Man, say this: I am Mako; you are Malija. This day, I unite with you. When I feel good, we two shall be united. When I feel bad, we two shall be united. When the sun shines, we two shall be united. When the rain falls, we two shall be united. When my body is healthy, we two shall be united. When my body is ill, we two shall be united. When I have much money, we two shall be united. When I have little money, we two shall be united. I will walk next to you. We two will have only one spirit. We two will have only one body. I promise this: I love you and will act well towards you. This is true now; this is true always. Woman, talk similarly to your man. Woman, too, say this: I am Malija; you are Mako. This day, I unite with you. When I feel good, we two shall be united. When I feel bad, we two shall be united. When the sun shines, we two shall be united. When the rain falls, we two shall be united. When my body is healthy, we two shall be united. When my body is ill, we two shall be united. When I have much money, we two shall be united. When I have little money, we two shall be united. I will walk next to you. We two will have only one spirit. We two will have only one body. I promise this: I love you and will act well towards you. This is true now; this is true always. Part two Now, priest, say this: Let us pray! Everyone, pray or sing! Say this:
Leader god, always lead these two. |
[ Full Description | Grammar | Vocabulary ]
Foaji – G. Nicholas D'Andrea | Smooth English |
waxuft`a apentas jinotsi jiqelkibd`i gd`elvedkiho korivafniuca. notsicagipoitkidufariniu. gipoitki jitsit`fikinoniud`i. isulgipoitukijebeka: nbako opbinud`i. npaliwi s`inbinud`i. opeb rutdufot`d`iqiedi. had`elrut fot`kid`iqieddu narisi galudwo futju futpig patbatd`i patngadd`i aqwofugica karat. opeb s`udan pattasni. nbako jibinnbaliwid`i jid`iqolins`aidu narisdujid`ifris`ai. had`elrut wonveds`ai. gipt`ifkibepaika: nbaliwi opbinud`i. nbako s`inbinud`i. opeb rutdufot`d`iqiedi. had`elrut fot`kid`iqieddu narisi galudwo futju futpig patbatd`i patngadd`i aqwofugica karat. opeb s`udan pattasni. nbaliwi jibinnbakd`i jid`iqolins`aidu narisdujid`ifris`ai. had`elrut wonveds`ai. apengawa waxu fud`iaho gipjad`tu. giphuitho waxadpili:
gd`elvedtasho gipebd`ifariwonelniuka. gd`eljuho gipd`ifutniuka.
gd`elrat`ho |
Marriage Prayers First Part About the necklace, god, O God, may the strength be sent! May the necklace go to the man. Man, this onto the neck of the woman. So, the man proclaims this: Mako I am named. Malija, you are named. About us, today holds a marriage. About the future, it holds this marriage: during goodness, evil, sunshine, rainfall, when my body has health, when my body has sickness, whether there is food to be eaten or not, indeed! About the two of us, there is togetherness. There is only one self. Mako, he loves Malija, and ensures goodness goes to her. Into the future, all this stays true. The woman repeats this: Malija, I am named. Mako, you are named. About us, today holds a marriage. About the future, it holds this marriage: during goodness, evil, sunshine, rainfall, when my body has health, when my body has sickness, whether there is food to be eaten or not, indeed! About the two of us, there is togetherness. There is only one self. Malija, she loves Mako, and ensures goodness goes to him. Into the future, all this stays true. Second Part For the prayers, o Priest invited the crowd. People in the audience, pray or sing:
O First God, always may you guide the two people. |
[ Full Description | Interlinear | Grammar | Vocabulary ]
Taruven – Taliesin | Smooth English |
rahavuh rūnaìš ÿragal šehūš ry liaq syéonnaþ vamenegehūš oaþ ry duaþ-jï-syées ÿduaþ menegehūš oaþ ry kiaþ-jï-syées aò duaþ uleìne:
sā þann Jehan aò kiaþ uleìnevoþa:
sā þann Maran rūnris
oah raha sriša uhūš fa džinhūš tares yrahafaeì dui teì kiið kii teì duið fa seghhūš tyalaþ jilguì, jilaq, ea |
Binding words First part Oh, big boss, please take this golden neck-object. May you put it on the neck of this man. Oh, man, may you put it on the neck of the woman. Then the man says: "My name is Jehan. Her name is Maran. Today the two of us bind eachother. The two of us are together. United. I truly love Maran. After today I certainly do." Then the woman says once, repeating: "My name is Maran. Her name is Jehan. Today the two of us bind eachother. The two of us are together. United. I truly love Jehan. After today I certainly do." Last part
Let us join with the old one who wishes May the two of them travel At the time of the start of their joining He loves her She loves him May the two of them be lucky [3] The day now, the next day, yes Comments to smooth translation to Taruven [2] have fertility [3] carry luck, eg. stay lucky |
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Minza – Herman Miller | Smooth English |
Mihni myvyka Caru řizi I vezngyluhł, ymagha vonich dylmölys iech kara. Kyzo vö dylu chažlat iecha. I chažla, ymagha kyzich vö dylu kövut iecha. Isionu nauki zy chažlale:
Ři loga kama Iechan. Isionu nauki zy kövule:
Ři loga kama Maran. Caru chuči
Kasařu myvich sa miavi ja magha.
Kimagha dařvich razgiuhł. |
Words of joining First part Great leader, I wish to take this golden necklace. Set it on this man's neck. Man, I wish to set it on this woman's neck. Next the man said:
My name is Iechan. Next the woman said:
My name is Maran. Last part
I am ready to join the old one who is wishing for it.
They wish to set off on a great journey. |
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Larash Yawakh – Pascal A. Kramm | Smooth English |
Kham resh Ekhi wun Khokh-osof khäsakh-osof, salan khefe-ona khokh arani srestfo elfr frsheni. Frikhas khokh otokh frfni fekhfes! Otokh, khokh-osof khokh khefe-ona frfni elfr fekhfes. Frkhi-osof otokh rseni satem resh:
Frkhi-osof imja Ijeshan. Khokh-osof khefe-ona rseni satem resh:
Sames-osof imja Maran. Satem wun
Flera-fosras elfr-osof sokh johi isho.
Khokh-flera-osof frkhul srestfo elfr larkhim. |
Text First part I am commander, I hope to bring slender girls with this gold. Lay this man down! Man, I hope lay this girl down. She speaks the following to the man:
Her name is Ijeshan. I speak the following to the woman:
Her name is Ijeshan. Next part
I was ready to join the old hopers.
We hope to depart for a journey. |
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Njaama – David J. Peterson | Smooth English |
Háme Aazu
Wá lánge. Héé siláw k'isyú v'uuyór yili s'iyele wá. Syómu sáá k'isyú lí sáángi sa kewáázé sá:
T'ópa en k'isyú sáá Íyésyan. Syómu li k'isyú wa kewáázé sá:
T'ópa en sáángi sáá Malán. Tutu Aazu
Héé yólew ap'éémúlá i!aynáá sapo súwíméndan hézu.
We k'ánóze lúúmbe wantá howap'éé. |
First Part I am a commander. A thin young girl wants to give me gold. Lie down there, underneath that man. Man: I want to lie down here, underneath this girl. Then the girl says to the man:
The girl's name is Iyeshan. Then I say to the little girl:
The man's name is Maran. Next Part
The old hopers are ready to come together there.
We hope to go on a journey. |
[ Full Description | Native Script | Grammar | Vocabulary ]
Jovian – Christian Thalmann | Smooth English | ||||||||||
Pije un pare seine se para ad se conuenger. Ahun seoginde en preige:
"Sume graedsose de nustade colbraele: Oud maene cun noe preinei.
Pregame ud vame un dinner. |
An old religious couple prepare to unite with each other. They make the following prayer: [1]
"We are thankful [2] for bodily beauty [3]: May it always stay with us.
We pray to go on a journey.
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Xara – Jim Taylor | Smooth English |
gur xu fol jalan xu muniran omosmeyer a kelevasme go fenid xaremur. |
An old religeous couple prepare to get married. They make the following prayer:
“ We are thankful for physical beauty: May it remain with us eternally. |
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Darynese – Rebecca Harbison | Smooth English |
Taomaeyil taeyairan taeyaoran aiza Idnimro ilaese:
Ropibae bysuse kaeda kaedayaon-nemem-azaopirilae luzaekul.
Delba-zirarilao-emeo idnise kaeda. Teruli rulumran erulumran teruliyaon zirase kaeda. Aa, leobysumanra. |
To marry a religious man and a woman. Say this prayer:
We give thanks to beauty, remaining with us always. |
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Silindion – Elliott Lash | Smooth English |
Kirma níssië i liori viomma tenkampra Eispuruna i kirmán më, siorna:
The Marriage Prayer of a Pious Man and Woman We shall recite this prayer, saying:
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Kēlen – Sylvia Sotomayor | Smooth English |
la jasāla jatēnāŋŋe nīkan macēna nīkan macūma; sanna jasāla jīsōra ānen ansōri þō:
se jalāña mo jāŋŋeren jēspe sū ñēim manaren mē;
se jasāla mo mamōri ma setenne anxāeli anīlli;
āl ñanna lekū rājōl rā mērji ma setenne mīsien cī;
semme jacāna ke macēna mo macūma; ñi þo jehē cī; |
The marriage song of woman and man We repeat this song with these words:
Give praise for the beauty remaining in all of us.
Give song for the moons who give us silvery nights.
Now let's lift our hands up to the gods who give us children.
The woman gives love to the man. Let this be truth. |
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gjâ-zym-byn – Jim Henry | Smooth English |
mâ-ŝy ke mâ-vĭ θĭ-o rě'ĵy-tôn-ĉu jâ-o kujm-o twâ-cu-lâ !θě'ku ŋâw-o gjâ-θy kǒ syj-i twâ-zô mwe Ќ-ť:
{Ќ-ť-ɱ pen im prym-fwa-tǒj gân-ř sjum-van.
lyn-tôn ĉu-ĉu-bô mĭ-i, gâ-lǒ tu-i nî'šĭm i Ќ-ť o fu-θô ĥy-i, twâ-ŝrun-zô Ќ-ť. nu kǒ i mâŋ ĥy-i šâ-ca θě'ku ĥwâ-o, mâ-lǒ tu-i Ќ-ť o fru ĥy-i bwĭl-zô.
fâ-gĭn kujm-o twâ-ŝrun-zô:
ƥ-ĉu θĭ-o nî'sâ huw-fwa kâ-i lâ-zô Ќ-ť. |
Prayer text for a woman and man becoming spouses We say these words to God:
"We are thankful for the beauty in all of us.
"Of the four moons, which give lesser light by night, we sing. "Now we raise our hands to the glory of God who gives us children.
"For the love beginning we sing:
"For them we ask good luck. |
[ Full Description | Grammar | Vocabulary ]
Wenedyk – Jan van Steenbergen | Smooth English |
"Gratłamy po bieltać en nosz tutór.
Kętamy dzie łynie i ściołar, kwale nosz iłymnię en noce. En iłu momentu nu olewamy man, o onórz Dzieju, prokód si Ił now dar nacie.
Pro bonu nostru omorze jewniu, nu kętamy:
Kwierzmy, kód fat iłór dwór ludziór si flicz. |
PRAYER FOR A WOMAN AND A MAN, WHO WANT TO GET MARRIED Speak out these words to God together:
"We thank you for the beauty in all of us.
We sing about the moon and the stars, which illuminate us in the night. In this moment we hold up our hand, for the glory of God, so that he will give us children.
For the good of our young love, we sing:
We ask that the fate of these two people be happy. |
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Gaajan – Lars Finsen | Smooth English |
SAMA ILIAI SYMAJE JU KINISUTUAN JUNJISU Oluwek ugunutei sanen inik anjinainje:
"Adekutei utate ainge sosam ananin jusu.
Jutei isiuteje lya ainjig kapen agi gainjesu. Iduwe wanikuken aki anjigai ugunute una anjigla uliwe eme anjinjaiglae.
Aku gate mauntananiai lya agai:
Sam aig senituwe anim uruinek ewe ajunjila. |
"We thank Beauty that is in all of us.
We sing for Moon and Stars who shine in the night. We raise our hands this moment to praise the spirits and that they may give us children.
For our good and young love we sing:
We pray for the fate of these two people to be happy. |
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Khangaþyagon – Pete Bleackley | Smooth English |
mallyagon ðela'ung beb yeksung u yubidir yir. yageltar yer mezzalwaneltar tramnilar glæsakhar
shuþar yar yer vrimaaug suaug.
lengar yar lugsaku beb illitkur u skilpir yir onma'utipgu. halilut gramapar yar etni yelmito glæsar u rugikhar yir ulevar yaakhar. lengar yar æsvaþontku yurishku allshku.
yurishdahi enil u æsvaþi aba mod erig mod. analekdahiltar belil beb belar sur dirsar samonar. |
A prayer for a girl and boy who marry each other Speak these words together to the spirits
We thank you for all beauty.
We sing of the moon and stars that shine throughout the night. Now we raise our hands to honour the spirits who will give us children. We sing of our good young love.
It is good for one wife to love one husband. May this day and all the coming days be joyful. |
[ Full Description | Native Script | Grammar | Vocabulary ]
merechi – Amanda Babcock Furrow | Smooth English |
tytéfia pàlavin të íllüvin na-lahilpàlap'të ésöp'si. à téfian'c ëàmliön àn tylchànkep kèhlpdatëp'fö sètëpi:
vókep femàriavin yirí lalétëp'fa
fòlihart të tëtínart, na-fóamn'të hómkö yirí, anílëp'fa
ëàclë fàgë rèlet cilidàp'fa, hródi àn tylchànic, pëàmahart fàlëpi, týsi të àlacli, anílëp'fa
týsisöp'n, ke pàila sé ílpü'c sé fàlëp'r à étialdi të sëlityàndi tómliön na-kicílvëp'të, yt'týhlraisöp'fö! |
This is a liturgy for a woman and a man who are marrying. Speak you these words to the spirits in concert:
- We thank you for all beauty
- We sing about the moon and stars, which shine through the whole night Now we raise our hands, for to honor the spirits, which will give us children We sing about the loving person, good and young
It is good, that one wife loves one husband O may you be happy today and in the other days which will come! |
[ Full Description | Interlinear | Grammar | Vocabulary ]
Escinet – Christian Köttl | Smooth English |
Sumar ezberod ke ezbèhirtod Wu chûmi prâtespbe jamni dramni bizwun urpròcwun:
Lamumi plâtè jam zrandsa tûd jufche jamsa gwaca riksa.
Lamumi mînè cam ke shiftni rini lôwbe tra jam hadz. Lamumi ombpapodzè mani urnuzhsod ur dramegzh risum ilblatespbe fani. Lamumi mîne bisni mustetni ke iwarketni leshgsni.
Esna plâto must plâcod wa ezber wâd ezbèhirtod. Wu chû îlzespbe big caheg ke nezbsegzh jamegzh cahegzh. |
A hymn for a bride and a bridegroom O may you tell all the gods these promises:
We want to give all our gratitude to you because of all the beautiful things.
We want to sing of the moon and the stars that shine through the whole night. We raise our hands to worship the gods who may give us children. We want to sing of this good and young loving ones.
It is good for one bridegroom to have one bride. O may you be happy on this day and all days that come. |
[ Full Description | Grammar | Vocabulary ]
twisspraak – Clayton Cardoso | Smooth English |
Song av de broud en de broudgom Oh mog yie sagge al geestly werren dies looven:
Laat us geve yu al danken fur de heele shoone ding.
Dat find guodheed in tu geve een broud een broudgom. | Missing! If you have this, please submit to Henrik. |
[ Full Description | Grammar | Vocabulary ]
Naisek – Jeffrey Jones | Smooth English |
Lalbai ham girgixam po ham baigixam Ah arkaxnor swali jemli leihanali besil gixnel:
Hafkubor swali natsu (1) hi suni rok launi.
Jesmiti dosofax girgixai baigixa. Translator's Notes
There are some other oddities that probably wouldn't occur in a native text. |
Song of the Bride and the Bridegroom Oh may you tell all spiritual beings these promises:
Let's give all of you thanks for the whole beautiful thing.
Giving a bride a bridegroom is good |
[ Full Description | Grammar | Vocabulary ]
Kash – Roger Mills | Smooth English |
andrinjura çenderili Endo ikotato çehamale yuno kaç:
hile mikuvus liri yuno-yuno re virik
endo çender kaçuma yawupan çendereni sinut |
Song of the [marriage candidates] Let all people say to the Spirits:
we are thankful to you for all things beautiful
May the bride receive the groom Oh may they be happy now and in all years to come |
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