Ring B: 19/22: Escinet

Christian Köttl
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[ Escinet | Smooth English | Grammar | Vocabulary ]

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Sumar ezberod ke ezbèhirtod

Wu chûmi prâtespbe jamni dramni bizwun urpròcwun:

Lamumi plâtè jam zrandsa tûd jufche jamsa gwaca riksa.
Lamumi plâtè jam zrandsa têlsod jor ke diz acod.
Lamumi plâtè jam zrandsa nablûzsod frohlonc frankelod gawig.
Lamumi plâtè jam zrandsa krustodz banodz, risum dunshâr nanonogec lamwun noget.

Lamumi mînè cam ke shiftni rini lôwbe tra jam hadz.
Lamumi mînè few risum têlbe dungles zmosan sodzsa dun lamegzh.
Lamumi mînè kakârf risum ombdzâbe lam.
Lamumi mînè ilz nisawu ke ksufu.

Lamumi ombpapodzè mani urnuzhsod ur dramegzh risum ilblatespbe fani.

Lamumi mîne bisni mustetni ke iwarketni leshgsni.

Esna plâto must plâcod wa ezber wâd ezbèhirtod.
Esna plâto must plâcod wa ezbèhirtod ezberod.

Wu chû îlzespbe big caheg ke nezbsegzh jamegzh cahegzh.

Smooth Translation

A hymn for a bride and a bridegroom

O may you tell all the gods these promises:

We want to give all our gratitude to you because of all the beautiful things.
We want to give all our gratitude to the year, making warmth and light.
We want to give all our gratitude to the warrior in the plain, warding off trouble.
We want to give all our gratitude to the many people who own the grain we are harvesting.

We want to sing of the moon and the stars that shine through the whole night.
We want to sing of the wind who makes the pouring of the blessings of the rain down on us.
We want to sing of the hazelnut tree who gives us shadow.
We want to sing of the joy because of health and strength.

We raise our hands to worship the gods who may give us children.

We want to sing of this good and young loving ones.

It is good for one bridegroom to have one bride.
It is godd for one bride to have one bridegroom.

O may you be happy on this day and all days that come.


Escinet is a ergative-absolutive language with S-V-O word order. Since its nouns are marked with case endings, word order is not very strict. Adjectives come before the noun they describe.


Nouns are marked with cases. In this text, the following cases appear: The absolutive (no suffix in the singular, -ni in the plural) which is used for objects in transitive sentences and the subject in intransitive sentences.

The ergative (ending -um, plural -umi) for the subject of transitive sentences.

The genetive (suffix -sa, plural -san) marks attributes

The dative (ending -od, plural -odz) if something is done for someone, in his favour or it is a goal. A dative can also mark the possessor of something.

The temporalis or locative (ending -(e)g, plural -(e)gzh) is used for spatial or temporal expressions, i.e. how long is something going on or where do I come from etc.

The instrumental case (ending -(w)u) marks something that was used to achieve the described action.

The adverbial case (-che) is used to transform nouns or adjectives in adverbs; some can be used as conjunctions as well.

The pronouns bis and ris have a slightliy irregular declension: The final s is often dropped or changes.

Compounds are formed by combining roots. The last root is the determined one, the earlier roots the determiners.


Adjectives use the same case declensions as nouns. The elative has the ending -eng and is used if something is "very Š" or "too Š". They are formed by adding -(e)t to a noun root.


Verbs are marked for mood, evidentiality and aspect. In the text, the following affixes appear:

imperative mood
-esp optative mood: a desired action ( i want to do sthg.)

modal endings come directly after the word root

-o evidential ending: this marks something one tells although one does not know it firsthand, i.e. someone told him.
-be evidential ending: something the speaker have witnessed myself, or he is so sure of it as if he had witnessed it himself.

evidential endings come always last

Ca: reduplication for perfect action, i.e. it has happened but its effects are still noticeable. The reduplication works this way: You take the first consonant of the word, double it and insert an "a" in between, e.g. shert > shashert
Co: infix for inchoative action, i.e. it begins or is just to begin, or I try to do it. The infix works this way: You take the first consonant and, insert it after the vowel of the word root, and insert then an "o", e.g. shert > sheshort
ê: for durative action, that is action that is ongoing for a while, the vowel of the word root is lengthenend.

For punctual action, no change to the root occurs.

Deverbal nouns can be formed by adding -s to the root and changing the vowel: e becomes è, a becomes ò.

Syntactic Notes

esna-construction: esna + plat are frequently used as dummy phrase, like "there is" or "it is".

Attributive verbaladjectives precede the noun; however, attributes to the verbaladjective are often used between the adjective and the respective noun.


Two neighbouring vowels are contracted: The first one is lengthened, the second one is disappearing. Endings whose vowel is marked with brackets lose their vowel without lengthending of the preceding one. Generally, sounds of affixes marked with brackets are purely optional. If two similar consonants would appear in a row, only one of them is written. Thus, teloksan-ni becomes teloksani. Beware, /ts/ is always written "c", even if it is the result of additional affixes.


ac year
arf tree
ban man
bis this (demonstrative pronoun)
cam moon
chû you (pl.)
diz light
dram spiritual being (Prakyat loanword)
dun preposition: down onto (+ locative)
dungle to pour; to rain down
dunshar to possess something
ezbèhirtod bridegroom
ezber lilly; metaphorical "bride"
fa child
few wind
frank war
frankel warrior
frohlonc trouble
gawi plain; meadow
gwa beauty; prettiness
hadz night
hirt home
ilblat a gift; to bestow something upon someone;
ilz joy; happiness; to be happy
iwark youth
jam all of them; all
jor warmth
juf cause, reason
kaka hazelnut
ke and (Conjunction)
krust many
ksuf strength; power
lam we (pronoun)
leshg love
low shine, light
man hand (body part)
min to sing; to praise
mus goodness
nabluz to ward off, repulse; to protect
na preposition & prefix: away, off
nezb to come
nisa health
nanoget to harvest
noget grain, produce
nuzh knee; to kneel
omb preposition & prefix: up, above
ombdza shadow; to give shadow to someone;
ombpadz to bring up; to raise;
plat to happen, to have, to give
prat to tell, to say
rik thing
ris relative pronoun
shift star
sodz rain
sumar hymn; sacred song or poetry (Prakyat loanword)
tel make, produce, weave
tu you (sg.)
tra through, across (preposition + absolutive)
ur preposition & prefix: before (temporally & locally)
urprat to promise
urnuzh to kneel before someone; to worship (metaphorically)
wa one, a certain
wu interjection
zhi any
zmo blessing; grace
zrand thanks; grace

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February 19th, 2007
Comments? Suggestions? Corrections? You can drop me a line.