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Conlang Relay 14: Ring C |
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[ Relay 14 | Horizontally | Ring A | Ring B | Toki Pona | Participants | Conlangs ] |
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Kash – Roger Mills | Smooth English |
HAMBIYAÇ ALO OLAMAYI CETRE (PART 1) [titanju mandil yaveleto mesa çendere kendulan re yu memende yarungarona, i çender ya yañurundo ri hendiñ çenderi liya, yarungotato lusok mandilin:] mam [aran] mandu hate [aran] maçeret alo lerowi tayu tayanju çelum, pun ri anjuçni ambinda iti andulañ, pun ri leroç londo lero londo ripa, kavan kravan, andoye andeçe, i mikasito mifarekto ri vunuweni angayimim velu, yunda-yunda vakep çumesa ri haniyumbim i eningambrim. sañ hate mamepunduñ sisami eçurami ri yuno leroç amaraç. [i çender liya yameputo yakotato kuwani] (PART 2) [titanju yakotato mandil:] ara mihimaçema. [i yunoni re uritan ikotato iti irinjurato:]
amalero pakrunjanga ri angayini, |
PORTIONS OF THE MARRIAGE CEREMONY (PART 1) [Now the priest will give a golden chain that he has just blessed, to one of the candidates, and the candidate will place it on the neck of the other candidate, and recite after the priest:] I [name] bind myself to you [name] from this day forward, whether in times of happiness or sadness, whether in days (full) of sun or rain, in good health or bad, wealth or poverty, and we will set forth on the course of our new life, always bound and united in soul and body. Thus I pledge to you my love and honor forever. [And the other candidate will do and recite the same] (PART 2) [Now the priest will say:] Let us pray to/call upon/ the Spirits [And everyone in attendance will say or sing:]
Father Sun, shine upon their life, |
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Þrjótrunn – Henrik Theiling | Smooth English |
Séttjó á rít nyptur (Pars ú) Hákur deð saktars spósas eyriköllrirsu tög hef þuð bindétt úst etti, eð spóssis mitt þissuð spæsinis sve, eð þiss rékið kvæsig:] Já, Mörkur, ligust á höði að té, Mer, í þélk eð tríst tjöppri, í sól eð plý, sánur eð jögrur, ríkur eð peypir, eð hefja kyrrir uttur kú ún sól spírt eð ún sól korpur. Já úra að dönn tif ömur mjú eð honur mjú hákur eð itinmett. Eð spæsinsa dík jöklur þissi: Já, Mer, ligust á höði að té, Mörk, í þélk eð tríst tjöppri, í sól eð plý, sán eð jagur, rík eð peypir, eð hefja kyrrir uttur kú ún sól spírt eð ún sól korpur. Já úra að dönn tif ömur mjú eð honur mjú hákur eð itinmett. (Pars dve) Hákur dík saktars: Prökmur nær! Eð onnir pjörni prestir prekið autt kattið kvæsig:
Ör, erttu seppir klárr, |
Section from a Wedding Ceremony (Part One) Now the priest shall give the groom the golden ring which shall just have been blessed, and the groom puts it on his bride, and he shall recite thusly: I, Marcus, bind myself from this day forward to you, Mary, in happy and sad times, in sun and rain, healthy and ill, rich and poor, and will walk together with one single spirit and one single body. I swear to give you my love and my honour, now and in eternity. And the bride will say the same to him: I, Mary, bind myself from this day forward to you, Marcus, in happy and sad times, in sun and rain, healthy and ill, rich and poor, and will walk together with one single spirit and one single body. I swear to give you my love and my honour, now and in eternity. (Part Two) Now the priest shall say: Let us pray! And all present people with pray or sing thusly:
Jupiter, be always clear, |
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Carrajena – Adam Walker | Smooth English |
Djul ridu djul nupu (il parri primoji) Agora dad il fuamini ad ul spuzu al cojida jura fi abini aved biñidu, ed induijid ul spuzu si ad al spuza, ed veu revrañijid: Ad odji ligu ju, ul Margu probju, simu tivi, al Maja, in ul lavachu ed al anagra, in il soli ed al puúvia, in il sanidadi ed al malacha, in ul lugru ed al pabera, ed despunzu cunjundjeri simu tivi pomu juna ñuma ed junu corbu. Agora ed eternimindi du tivi il meu amori ed ul meu diñu. Ed parirri diched al spuza fistu: Ad odji ligu ju, al Maja probja, simu tivi, ul Margu, in ul lavachu ed al anagra, in il soli ed al puúvia, in il sanidadi ed al malacha, in ul lugru ed al pabera, ed despunzu cunjundjeri simu tivi pomu juna ñuma ed junu corbu. Agora ed eternimindi du tivi il mea amori ed ul mea diñu. (il parri segundi) Agora dichid il fuamini: Pregemus! Ed uls todus ijus andi veu pregens jud candens:
Jubirru, sembri esa cuaru;
Vina in al codija jura djal amori, cunjunga sis; Veu eseu agora ed eternimindi. | Missing! If you have this, please submit to Henrik. |
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Old Albic – Jörg Rhiemeier | Smooth English |
Darnal Bratasal (Dél Saman) Nanal dára o phardaro on braton am nagamel geldin am ahaila, a danoara o brato en braten a cvathora seni: "A sandaral bandama ma, Marco svo, nam thal, Marjel, bleresel a marnaral, arblegel a ránal, halasal a grendelel, galdrasal a morlasal. A nacvatháma langc nam thal samaman náramal a samaman gvamal. Nanal a tallanasal dacháma malabas a mahairas." A sembi cvathora e brate seni: "A sandaral bandama ma, Marje sve, nam thal, Marcol, bleresel a marnaral, arblegel a ránal, halasal a grendelel, galdrasal a morlasal. A nacvatháma langc nam thal samaman náramal a samaman gvamal. Nanal a tallanasal dacháma malabas a mahairas." (Dél Tovon) Nanal cvathara o phardaro: "Angcvathecha!" A cveni seni seni angcvathora o laidora:
"Nabo, hendri glararecha! |
Rite of Wedding (First Part) Now the priest gives the golden necklace, which has been blessed, to the bridegroom, and the bridegroom puts it on to the bride, and speaks thus: "And today, I, Marco himself, bind with Marje in happiness and sadness, in sunshine and rain, in health and illness, in wealth and poverty. And promise to join with you into one soul and one body. Now and in eternity I give you my love and my honour." And the same way, the bride speaks thus: "And today, I, Marje herself, bind with Marco in happiness and sadness, in sunshine and rain, in health and illness, in wealth and poverty. And promise to join with you into one soul and one body. Now and in eternity I give you my love and my honour." (Second Part)
Now says the priest: |
[ Full Description | Interlinear | Grammar | Vocabulary ]
Ayeri – Carsten Becker | Smooth English |
Dikangea kanānena (Menan nernanyēna) Edauyi le iliya natrayonang tipalon eavirang si etorayisu, kanāyonyam. Yam tapiaiya miday kanāyonang tipalley kananvanyam nay naraiya kunasyara: "Nay davano ang ikapāyin, Kayān, sitangayaris evaea, Tyanisay, nay palayea nay gidayea evaena, makapranea nay seyaranea evaena, sapinea nay banyanea evaena, idyānea nay anganea evaena, nay pebukāyang na mitanayang kayvoea evain, tenaneri-ikan nay bituayeri-ikan ayena. Edauyi nay mangasara pangoyea yam setyāyang nay seilayang tiganaris evain." Nay naraiye kamo kananvanang: "Nay davano ang ikapāyin, Tyanisay, sitangayaris evaea, Kayān, nay palayea nay gidayea evaena, makapranea nay seyaranea evaena, sapinea nay banyanea evaena, idyānea nay anganea evaena, nay pebukāyang na mitanayang kayvoea evain, tenaneri-ikan nay bituayeri-ikan ayena. Edauyi nay mangasara pangoyea yam setyāyang nay seilayang tiganaris evain." (Saman nernanyēna) Edauyi naraiya natrayonang: "Pinyan, natru." Nay kada natraiyan soyang malīyan sano:
"Mea nutaboy tadayen lenoaris! Yomu adanyaley adāre edauyi nay mangasara pangoyea!" |
At the wedding rite (Part one) Now gives the priest the golden necklace that is blessed to the bridegroom. The bridegroom puts the bride the necklace on and speaks as follows: "And today, I, Mark, bind myself to you, Mary, and your joy and sadness, your sunshine and rain, your health and disease, your wealth and poverty, and I promise that I will live by your side with all my soul and all my body. Now and in eternity I will love you and give you honour." And the bride speaks the same: "And today, I, Mary, bind myself to you, Mark, and your joy and sadness, your sunshine and rain, your health and disease, your wealth and poverty, and I promise that I will live by your side with all my soul and all my body. Now and in eternity I will love you and give you honour." (Part two) Now speaks the priest: "Please pray." And thus pray or sing both of them:
"The sun shall shine over our life! |
[ Full Description | Interlinear | Grammar | Vocabulary ]
Urianian – Lars Finsen | Smooth English |
Eru fanzirnat (Dimun bom) Nia geg erkil zendai genta aldik olnin. Zenid ging genta zende saini dina: "Je tuni me Kayaan di fanzir, Tyanisaye, je da em minde je garmi, sevle je ure, zundi je semne, abdi je undi, je idam di usid, elni ma enjia je elni ma nevja. Nia je git enteden di kasisam je tasam." Je zendi sai sama: "Je tuni me Tyanisay di fanzir, Kayaani, je da em minde je garmi, sevle je ure, zundi je semne, abdi je undi, je idam di usid, elni ma enjia je elni ma nevj. Nia je git enteden di kasisam je tasam." (Dimun eli) Nia sai erkil: "Sile cuddi tivet." Je nu cudan is aspan efa isan:
"Fu gimin kur entede! |
Wedding ritual (First part) Now the priest gives the golden, blessed necklace to the bridegroom. The bridegroom puts the necklace on the bride, saying thus: "And today I, Kayaan, marry you, Tyanisay, and I am yours in happiness and sadness, sunshine and rain, health and sickness, wealth and poverty, and I promise to live with you, with all my spirit and all my body. Now and forever love you and honour you." And the bride says the same: "And today I, Tyanisay, marry you, Kayaan, and I am yours in happiness and sadness, sunshine and rain, health and sickness, wealth and poverty, and I promise to live with you, with all my spirit and all my body. Now and forever love you and honour you." (Second part) Now the priest says: "Kindly pray!" And then they both pray or sing:
"May the sky always be clear! *) I am stretching Urianian idiom a little by saying "Litu nut Cure." |
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Anmur – Jesse S. Bangs | Smooth English |
Topot Atdat Netepsa: Tenes topet am cerpu potpucu itpor lapwa. Topet itpor cista es mi pocte ama tonla: "Cagan ge Tanisage col tpocta, se mi ldelduca minsa milasmuc mi du, atpotruce casguc mi du, micuspuc minurn mi du, bamac mirod mi du, lgecca mi se ci da ewin tu capas mi tu du llogina. Stam estu mi miwasecsa mi du ge tcedma ttipoca." Pocte bal amatu tonla: "Tanisage ge Cagan col ttopta, se mi ldelduca minsa milasmuc mi du, atpotruce casguc mi du, micuspuc minurn mi du, bamac mirod mi du, lgecca mi se ci da ewin tu capas mi tu du llogina. Stam estu mi miwasecsa mi du ge tcedma ttipoca." Cerepsa: Tenes tonla: "Midegep du ubenina no." Tini mi ama stonla sbamcsa mi:
"Inpom wa ci miwasecsa du atmat! |
The Rite of Marriage Part I The priest gives a blessed golden necklace to the groom. Wearing the necklace, the groom says the following to the bride: "Today I, Kayaan, marry you, Tyanisaye, and I will be yours in joy and in sorrow, in sunshine and in rain, in health and in sickness, in wealth and in poverty, and I swear to remain with you with all of my spirit and all of my body. From now henceforth and to all eternity with you I will love and respect. Then then bride says likewise: "Today I, Tyanisaye, marry you, Kayaan, and I will be yours in joy and in sorrow, in sunshine and in rain, in health and in sickness, in wealth and in poverty, and I swear to remain with you with all of my spirit and all of my body. Now and henceforth and to all eternity with you I will love and respect. Part II The priest says: "In kindness let us pray." And so they both say the following singing:
"May heaven be with us for eternity! |
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irithaic – Ashperhaps | Smooth English |
vi coltïras warand vi derütes: vi melbaro gab n’medissedo, halina mirulet vi warandon-vo. vi warandon ssewonat vi mirulet ee sug vi warandiss-vo tepade: “ma cagan batteet da tanisage testet mat warandiss pa estix, mastèruu datü vrenta ferasses ee trusses, vrenta apaaritt ee ssïn, vrenta topa syan ee mada, vrenta helduyes ee mapaanes, ma èrdissat ce mat coroopa ee ssèrua yeccèratuuee cun da, yecc ee yeviittà ee vrenta simpèccas emet ee èscopatet.” vi warandiss nähem sug tepade: “ma tanisage batteet da cagan testet mat warandon pa estix, mastèruu datü vrenta ferasses ee trusses, vrenta apaaritt ee ssïn, vrenta topa syan ee mada, vrenta helduyes ee mapaanes, ma èrdissat ce mat coroopa ee ssèrua yeccèratuuee cun da, yecc ee yeviittà ee vrenta simpèccas emet ee èscopatet.” vi retes: vi melbaro sug: “lassee jovoedo messerae!” ee vi dooýo sugee ee ralentatee tepade:
“yin liseea, lass testedo cun nii simpèra suprotta! |
The Ritual of Marriage The Beginning: The priest gives a blessed, golden necklace to the groom. The groom wears the necklace and says to the bride: “ I Cagan take you Tanisage to be my wife today, I will be yours in joy and sorrow, sunshine and rain, in sickness and in health, in wealth and in poverty, I promise that my body and soul will remain with you now and henceforth and for eternity to love and respect.” The bride then says: “ I Tanisage take you Cagan to be my husband today, I will be yours in joy and sorrow, sunshine and rain, in sickness and in health, in wealth and in poverty, I promise that my body and soul will remain with you now and henceforth and for eternity to love and respect.” The Ending: The priest says: “ Let us pray in kindness!” And both say and sing:
“O Heavens, be with us forever! |
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