Ring C: 3/8: Carrajena

Adam Walker
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[ Carrajena | Grammar | Vocabulary ]

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Djul ridu djul nupu

(il parri primoji)

Agora dad il fuamini ad ul spuzu al cojida jura fi abini aved biñidu, ed induijid ul spuzu si ad al spuza, ed veu revrañijid:

Ad odji ligu ju, ul Margu probju, simu tivi, al Maja, in ul lavachu ed al anagra, in il soli ed al puúvia, in il sanidadi ed al malacha, in ul lugru ed al pabera, ed despunzu cunjundjeri simu tivi pomu juna ñuma ed junu corbu. Agora ed eternimindi du tivi il meu amori ed ul meu diñu.

Ed parirri diched al spuza fistu:

Ad odji ligu ju, al Maja probja, simu tivi, ul Margu, in ul lavachu ed al anagra, in il soli ed al puúvia, in il sanidadi ed al malacha, in ul lugru ed al pabera, ed despunzu cunjundjeri simu tivi pomu juna ñuma ed junu corbu. Agora ed eternimindi du tivi il mea amori ed ul mea diñu.

(il parri segundi)

Agora dichid il fuamini:


Ed uls todus ijus andi veu pregens jud candens:

Jubirru, sembri esa cuaru;
Huevu, brija in al sustru vida;
Vucanu, nun impeda al sustru via;
Chería, adjuda sis para cutivari;
Djina, brija in il nopi;
Nepunu, esa sedu pochini velans juns in al teu suvravacha;
Jolu, verra in als sustru velas ed revicha als sustru fachas;
Funu, da sis jumbra ed custodja;
Forruna, esa bunu sivis;

Vina in al codija jura djal amori, cunjunga sis;
Djinis ed ragas, vida tus sis in al via djals
biñindas pochini cuñichins amvuari simu cun ul diñu ed al cumvidincha.

Veu eseu agora ed eternimindi.

Smooth Translation


If you have this, please submit to Henrik.


Carrajena is a Romance language, but has some odd features. It is VSO, but the subject is often left unstated if the verb conjugation alone makes it clear who the sentence is about. Most often the first noun or pronoun following the verb will actually be a direct or indirect object (pronominal indirect objects often come before the direct object). Subjunctive mood has many uses in C-a; one of the most important translates English phrases with let, may or should. Adjectives, other than articles, possessive pronouns and numbers, follow their nouns. Articles are used with practically all nouns even proper nouns and those modified by possessive pronouns (the my car, the Michael, etc.). Plurals of nouns, pronouns, adjectives and articles are formed by the addition of –s. Nouns are either masculine (ending in –u), feminine (ending in –a) or neuter (ending in –i); their adjectives and articles (except possessive pronouns and numbers) must agree in gender and number by adding the same ending as their noun.


Note: all adjectives are given in the dictionary citation form – masculine singular.

abini adv. recently, just now
ad prep. to, at
adjuda v. t. imp. of adjudari
adjudari v. t. to help
agora adv. now
al f. s. def. art.
amori n. love
amvuari v. i. to walk
anagra n. sadness
andi prep. before, in the presence of
aved v. i. 3s past of averi
averi v. i. to have
biñida n. blessing
biñidu v. t. part. of biñiri
biñiri v. t. to bless
brija v. i. imp. of brijari
brijari v. i. to shine
bunu adj. good, n. good (thing)
candari v. t., v. i. to sing
candens v. t., v. i. 3p pres. subj. of candari
cojida n. necklace
corbu n. body
cuaru adj. clear
cumvidincha n. trust, confidence
cun prep. with (for objects)
cunjundjeri v. t. to join (together)
cunjunga v. t. imp. of cunjundjeri
cuñicheri v. i., v. t. to begin
cuñichins v. i., v. t. 3p pres. of cuñicheri
custoja n. protection
cutivari v. t. to cultivate, grow, raise
Chería prop. name Ceres
dad v. t. 3s pres. of dari
dari v. t. to give
despunzeri v. t. to promise in marriage, to betroth
despunzu v. t. 1s pres. of despunzeri
diched v. t. 3s. pres. subj. of dichiri
dichid v. t. 3s pres. of dichiri
dichiri v. t. to say, to speak
diñu n. honor
du v. t. 1s pres. of dari
Djina prop. name Diana
djini n. geni
djul m. s. of the
ed conj. and
esa v. i. imp. of eseri
eseri v. i. to be
eseu v. i. 1s or 2s subj. of eseri
eternimindi adv. eternally
facha n. face
fi rel. pron. that, which
fistu dem. pron. this
Forruna prop. name Fortuna
fuamini n. priest of a pagan religion
Funu prop. name Faunus
Huevu prop.name Phoebus
iju dem. pron., those, there
il n. s. def. art.
impeda v. t. imp. of impediri
impediri v. t. to hinder, impede
in prep. in , on
induijid v. t. 3s fut. of induiri
induiri v. t. to put on, don
Jolu prop. name Aeolus
ju 1s subj. pron.
Jubirru prop. name Jupiter
jud conj. or
jumbru n. shadow
jun 3s m. subj. pron.
junu n. one, adj. one, indef. art.
juru n. gold, adj. golden
lavachu n. happiness
ligari v. t. to bind
ligu v. t. 1s pres. of ligari
lugru n. wealth
Maja proper name Mary
malacha n. sickness, illness
Margu proper name Marcus
mea 1s f. poss. pron.
meu 1s m. poss. pron.
Nepunu prop. name Neptune
nopi n. night
nun adv. not (emphatic)
nupu n. wedding, marriage, matrimony
ñuma n. spirit
odji adv. today
pabera n. poverty
para prep. for
parirri adv. likewise
parri n. part, portion, section
pochini rel. pron. when
pomu adv. as, like
pregari v. i., v. t. to ask, to pray
pregemus v. i., v. t. 1p pres. subj. of pregari
pregens v. i., v. t. 3p pres. subj. of pregari
primoju adj. first
probju adj. very own (can have a reflexive meaning)
puúvia n. rain
raga n. ghost, spirit, phantom
revicha v. t. imp. of revicheri
revicheri v. t. to refresh, freshen
revrañijid v. t. 3s fut. of revañiri
revrañiri v. t. to recite (as a refrain, etc.)
ridu n. rite, ceremony
sanidadi n. health
sedu adj. calm
segundi adj. second
sembri adv. always
si adv. yes, conj. if, 3s obj. pron.
simu prep. with (for people)
sis 3p obj. pron.
sivis 3p obj. pron.
soli n. sun
spuza n. bride, wife
spuzu n. bridegroom, husband
sustru 3p poss. pron.
suvravacha n. surface
teu 2s poss. pron.
tivi 2s obj. pron.
todu adj. all, pron. each one
tus 2p subj. pron.
ul m. s. def. art.
vela n. sail
velans v. i., v. t. 3p pres. of velari
velari v. i., v. t. to sail
veu adv. thus, so
via n. way, path
vida n. life, v. t. imp. of vidari
vidari v. t. to guide
Vina prop. name Venus
Vucanu prop. name Vulcan

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February 19th, 2007
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