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Ring C: 4/8: Old Albic |
Jörg Rhiemeier | ||
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<< Carrajena | Ayeri >> |
Old AlbicDarnal Bratasal (Dél Saman) Nanal dára o phardaro on braton am nagamel geldin am ahaila, a danoara o brato en braten a cvathora seni: "A sandaral bandama ma, Marco svo, nam thal, Marjel, bleresel a marnaral, arblegel a ránal, halasal a grendelel, galdrasal a morlasal. A nacvatháma langc nam thal samaman náramal a samaman gvamal. Nanal a tallanasal dacháma malabas a mahairas." A sembi cvathora e brate seni: "A sandaral bandama ma, Marje sve, nam thal, Marcol, bleresel a marnaral, arblegel a ránal, halasal a grendelel, galdrasal a morlasal. A nacvatháma langc nam thal samaman náramal a samaman gvamal. Nanal a tallanasal dacháma malabas a mahairas." (Dél Tovon) Nanal cvathara o phardaro: "Angcvathecha!" A cveni seni seni angcvathora o laidora:
"Nabo, hendri glararecha! |
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Smooth TranslationRite of Wedding (First Part) Now the priest gives the golden necklace, which has been blessed, to the bridegroom, and the bridegroom puts it on to the bride, and speaks thus: "And today, I, Marco himself, bind with Marje in happiness and sadness, in sunshine and rain, in health and illness, in wealth and poverty. And promise to join with you into one soul and one body. Now and in eternity I give you my love and my honour." And the same way, the bride speaks thus: "And today, I, Marje herself, bind with Marco in happiness and sadness, in sunshine and rain, in health and illness, in wealth and poverty. And promise to join with you into one soul and one body. Now and in eternity I give you my love and my honour." (Second Part)
Now says the priest: |
darnal | bratasal |
rite | wedding-LOC |
(dél | saman) |
(part | first) |
Nanal | dára | o | phardaro | on | braton |
now-LOC | give-PRS-3SG:P-3SG:A | the:M-AGT | priest-AGT | the:M-DAT | bridegroom-DAT |
am | nagamel | geldin | am | ahaila |
the:I-OBJ | necklace | golden | REL:OBJ | AOR-bless-3SG:P |
a | danoara | o | brato | en | braten |
and | put.on-FUT-3SG:P-3SG:A | the:M-AGT | bridegroom-AGT | the:F-DAT | bride-DAT |
a | cvathora | seni |
and | speak-FUT-3SG:A | thus |
a | sandaral | bandama | ma | Marco | svo |
and | today-LOC | bind-PRS-1SG:A | 1SG-AGT | Marco-AGT | himself-AGT |
nam | thal | Marjel | bleresel | a | marnaral |
with | 2SG:PRT | Marje-PRT | happiness-LOC | and | sadness-LOC |
arblegel | a | ránal | halasal | a | grendelel |
sunshine-LOC | and | rain-LOC | health-LOC | and | illness-LOC |
galdrasal | a | morlasal |
wealth-LOC | and | poverty-LOC |
a | nacvatháma | langc | nam | thal |
and | promise-PRS-3SG:P-1SG:A | join:VN | with | 2SG:PRT |
samaman | náramal | a | samaman | gvamal |
one-ALL | soul-ALL | and | one-ALL | body-ALL |
nanal | a | tallanasal | dacháma | malabas | a | mahairas |
now-LOC | and | eternity-LOC | give-PRS-2SG:D-3SG:P-1SG:A | 1SG-love | and | 1SG-honour |
a | sembi | cvathora | e | brate | seni |
and | same-INS | speak-FUT-3SG:A | the:F | bride | thus: |
a | sandaral | bandama | ma | Marje | sve |
and | today-LOC | bind-PRS-1SG:A | 1SG-AGT | Marje-AGT | hirself-AGT |
nam | thal | Marcol | bleresel | a | marnaral |
with | 2SG:PRT | Marco-PRT | happiness-LOC | and | sadness-LOC |
arblegel | a | ránal | halasal | a | grendelel |
sunshine-LOC | and | rain-LOC | health-LOC | and | illness-LOC |
galdrasal | a | morlasal |
wealth-LOC | and | poverty-LOC |
a | nacvatháma | langc | nam | thal |
and | promise-PRS-3SG:P-1SG:A | join:VN | with | 2SG:PRT |
samaman | náramal | a | samaman | gvamal |
one-ALL | soul-ALL | and | one-ALL | body-ALL |
nanal | a | tallanasal | dacháma | malabas | a | mahairas |
now-LOC | and | eternity-LOC | give-PRS-2SG:P-3SG:P-1SG:A | 1SG-love | and | 1SG-honour |
(dél | tovon) |
(part | second) |
nanal | cvathara | o | phardaro |
now-LOC | say-PRS-3SG:A | the:M-AGT | priest-AGT |
angcvathecha |
pray-SBJ-2PL:A |
a | cveni | seni | seni | angcvathora | o | laidora |
and | all-AGT | this-PL-AGT | thus | pray-FUT-3SG:A | or | sing-FUT-3SG:A |
Nabo | hendri | glararecha |
Sky | always | clear-be-SBJ-2SG:P |
Are | blegeotha | suleban |
Sun | shine-SBJ-3DU:P-2SG:A | 3DU-life-DAT |
Dantaro | na | danteatha | sumen |
Adversary | not | hinder-SBJ-3SG:P-2SG:A | 3DU-path |
Dage | helpiotha | telal |
Earth | help-SBJ-3DU:P-2SG:A | cultivate:VN-LOC |
Seno | blegiotha | nachal |
Moon | shine-SBJ-3DU:P-2SG:A | night-LOC |
Saja | galmarecha | sí | seglaranora | thahorsol |
Sea | calm-be-SBJ-2SG:P | when | sail-CND-3DU:A | 2SG-surface-LOC |
Vantha | blasetha | susegelan | a | phrasuotha | suheldim |
Wind | blow-SBJ-2SG:A | 3DU-sail-ALL | and | refresh-SBJ-3DU:P-2SG:A | 3DU-face-PL |
Laira | vernerecha | sun |
Fortune | good-be-SBJ-2SG:P | 3DU-DAT |
Vestalera | nagamelel | geldinil | labasalal | longceotha |
Evenstar | necklace-LOC | golden-LOC | love-LOC-LOC | join-SBJ-3DU:P-2SG:A |
pheiri | a | phøcøli | lederiotha | sohajal |
fairy-PL | and | phantom-PL | guide-SBJ-3DU:P-2SG:A | 3DU-walk:VN-LOC |
nam | hairasal | a | drothol |
with | honour-LOC | and | confidence-LOC |
seni | harea | neni | a | telleni |
thus | be-SBJ-3SG:P | now-INST | and | eternal-INS |
A detailed grammar sketch can be found here:
Animate nouns have an agentive stem (AS;ending in a vowel) as their base form and an objective stem (OS) derived from it with the suffix -m. Inanimate nouns have an objective stem (ending in a consonant) as their base form and no AS. The cases are:
agentive | AS-0 |
genitive | AS-s |
dative | AS-n |
partitive | AS-l |
objective | OS-0 |
instrumental | OS-i |
locative | OS-°l |
allative | OS-°n |
ablative | OS-°d |
perlative | OS-°th |
Not all of them occur in the text. There is one example of suffixaufnahme (a locative of a locative) in the text.
Plural is formed by changing the AS-final vowel into /i/ for animate nouns, and with the ending -im for inanimate noun. Dual likwise by changing the AS-final vowel into /u/ and with -um, respectively.
Verb morphology is complex. The following tense/aspect/mood forms occur:
present | -a |
future | -u |
aorist | °- (vowel prefix that assimilates to the root vowel) |
subjunctive | -i |
The verb is conjugated for the indirect object, patient and agent in this order. The suffixes for the IO and patient are:
1sg -ha 1du -hu 1pl -hi 2sg -cha 2du -chu 2pl -chi 3sg -a 3su -u 3pl -i
The suffixes for the agent are:
1sg -ma 1du -mu 1pl -mi 2sg -tha 2du -thu 2pl -thi 3sg -ra 3du -ru 3pl -ri
All this is to some degree messed up by umlaut (fronting before /i/, rounding before /u/, lowering before /a/; precedence from right to left).
There are several instances of suffixed "to be" -°r on adjectives, which is conjugated as a stative verb (patient suffixes).
a | cnj. | and |
angcvath- | v. | to pray |
Are | n. | the Sun |
arblegel | n. | sunshine |
band- | v. | to bind |
blas- | v. | to blow |
bleg- | v. | to shine |
bleres | n. | happiness |
bratas | n. | wedding |
brate | n. | bride |
brato | n. | bridegroom |
cvath- | v. | to speak |
cveni | prn. | all |
d- | v. | to give |
Dage | n. | Earth |
dél | n. | part |
dan- | v. | to put on |
Dantaro | n. | the Adversary |
dant- | v. | to hinder |
darnal | n. | rite |
droth | n. | confidence |
galdras | n. | wealth |
galm | adj. | calm |
geldin | adj. | golden |
grendel | n. | illness |
gvam | n. | body |
hail- | v. | to bless |
hairas | n. | honour |
hai- | v. | to walk |
halas | n. | health |
has- | v. | to be |
helda | n. | face |
hendri | adv. | always |
labas | n. | love |
laid- | v. | to sing |
laira | n. | fortune |
langc- | v. | to join |
leba | n. | life |
leder- | v. | to guide |
ma | prn. | I |
Marco | n. | proper name (Mark) |
Marje | n. | proper name (Mary) |
marnar | n. | sadness |
men | n. | path |
morlas | n. | poverty |
na | cnj. | not |
Nabo | n. | Sky |
nachal | n. | night |
nacvath- | v. | promise |
nagamel | n. | necklace |
nam | prp. | with |
nan | adv. | now |
nára | n. | soul |
o | cnj. | or |
ors | n. | surface |
phaira | n. | fairy |
phardaro | n. | priest |
phocol | n. | phantom |
phras- | v. | to refresh |
rán | n. | rain |
Saja | n. | the Sea |
saman | adj. | first |
samb | prn. | the same |
sandar | n. | this day |
segel | n. | sail |
seglar- | v. | to sail |
sen | dem. | this |
seni | asv. | thus |
Seno | n. | the Moon |
sve | prn. | herself |
svo | prn. | himself |
tallan | adj. | eternal |
tallanas | n. | eternity |
tel- | v. | to cultivate |
tha | prn. | thou |
tovon | adj. | second |
vantha | n. | wind |
vern | adj. | good |
Vestalera | n. | Evenstar |
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